When I graduated from high school, I knew I did not want to go to work at the main source of employment in my then, hometown. Namely one of the 5 or more “Cotton Mills” that employed a large percent of the population of the town. I had an uncle who had gone to West Point for a period of time, did not graduate, but did go into the Army as a 2nd Lt. He would come home on leave in a nice car from places like Texas and other locations and I said to myself “The military will be my ticket out of here”.
Plus the draft was still in effect. I did not think I wanted to get drafted into the army, so I enlisted in the Air Force. When I enlisted I did not necessarily do so with the intention of making a career of it but after Tech School, I was sent to Scotland where I met my future wife. After my tour there, I had five years invested so I thought why not just stay for the long haul!