Navy Reflections

Service Reflections of ET2 David Binder, U.S. Navy (1963-1967)

Service Reflections of ET2 David Binder, U.S. Navy (1963-1967)

Many of us in a high school fraternity decided that the best way to complete our military obligation was to enlist in the Naval Reserve. As I was older than the others, I had already graduated when the Naval Reserve Recruiter came to Fairfax High School in Los Angeles to make his presentation. They were all Gung Ho, and they tried to convince me to join them. I told them that I would check it out on my own and give them an answer within the next week. As they were not graduating until the end of the semester, the only rush was that summer vacation would be a great time to do our Boot Camp. Being Reservists would allow us to continue our education while attending Reserve Meetings.

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Service Reflections of LIC Jack De Merit, U.S. Navy (1961-1990)

Service Reflections of LIC Jack De Merit, U.S. Navy (1961-1990)

Many of us in a high school fraternity decided that the best way to complete our military obligation was to enlist in the Naval Reserve. As I was older than the others, I had already graduated when the Naval Reserve Recruiter came to Fairfax High School in Los Angeles to make his presentation. They were all Gung Ho, and they tried to convince me to join them. I told them that I would check it out on my own and give them an answer within the next week. As they were not graduating until the end of the semester, the only rush was that summer vacation would be a great time to do our Boot Camp. Being Reservists would allow us to continue our education while attending Reserve Meetings.

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Service Reflections of ATCS Frank Nelson, U.S. Navy (1972-1994)

Service Reflections of ATCS Frank Nelson, U.S. Navy (1972-1994)

My dad influenced me tremendously. I had no prospects of getting a job living overseas. My dad did all he could to get me into the Academy. He wrote letters and made phone calls to BUPERS and NAVSTA Rota (in those times, there were no recruiters nearby). I was tentatively accepted to the Prep School in Bainbridge, MD, but I was medically disqualified when they received my physical results due to my vision. I had vision correctable to 20/20, but there was too much refractive error between the left eye and the right one. My parents couldn’t afford to send me to college back in the States, so off to the Navy I went.
But before I joined up, my dad made sure I got into a field where I would have a good chance of advancement, so I took a whole array of tests and was found qualified for the ADVANCED ELECTRONIC FIELD, qualifying for either AT, DS, or FT. I signed up for six years, and I would get PO3 upon successfully completing “A” school.

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Service Reflections of SK1 David Pitts, U.S. Navy (1972-2000)

Service Reflections of SK1 David Pitts, U.S. Navy (1972-2000)

Both my father & my brother served in the Army. They certainly influenced my decision to join the military. Also, my best friend in high school, Vince Chostner, convinced me to join the Navy together under the “Buddy” Program. This program guaranteed that we would attend Boot Camp, Storekeeper ‘A’ School, and our first duty station together. But after only 3 weeks in a 9-week boot camp together, I came down with double pneumonia, sinusitis, with a side of hemorrhoids. I ended up at Balboa Naval Hospital for six weeks. Needless to say, he went on and graduated without me. Once I got out of the hospital, I had to start all over in another company that was reduced to 7 weeks.

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Service Reflections of PNCM Rene LaMarche, U.S. Navy (1961-1980)

Service Reflections of PNCM Rene LaMarche, U.S. Navy (1961-1980)

My father, Rene A. LaMarche, Sr., and his brother, Raymond LaMarche, were probably the most influential in my decision to join the Navy. My Dad served on board the USS HEALY from the time it was commissioned in 1943 until it was decommissioned in 1946. He was a second-class carpenter’s mate and ship’s diver. He and my uncle Raymond would tell hours of stories about what they did in the Navy. In later years, I would learn that my Dad blocked out some of the terrible ordeals he went through on the Island of Saipan during that action. My Uncle Raymond was a YN1 assigned to the European Central Command as a fingerprint expert. He worked to help identify the war criminals that were later charged at Nuremberg.
The stories from those early years led me toward joining the Navy as I approached high school graduation. However – I blew it in a way. I was 17 years old and had a Forest Service 4-year Scholarship in my Senior Year when I got in trouble. I got involved with a gang shooting and was placed in Juvenile Confinement. A Superior Court Judge gave me a choice of joining the Armed Forces or spending some time in the pokey (until I was 21). I had previously investigated the Navy and had taken the basic battery tests. GMCA Tom Eagling, Navy Recruiting Office, Seattle, WA, spoke up for me, and the next day, I was on my way to San Diego, CA, on what was called a Kiddy Cruise enlistment. I would serve until I was 21 years old – a period of 3-years and two months; but got credit for 4 years for retirement, A thing called constructive time.

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Service Reflections of OS2 Christopher Hawley, U.S. Navy (1981-1987)

Service Reflections of OS2 Christopher Hawley, U.S. Navy (1981-1987)

I was always sure that I would serve in the military from a very young age. Military Service in my family was always a strong influence. At about fifteen years old, I was very sure that I would make a career in the military. I had joined the Civil Air Patrol at the time, and I loved it. I was also sure that I would be a United States Marine, just as two of my cousins, an uncle, and a Great-grandfather had all been.

My Great-grandfather had joined the Marines in 1910 at 16, lying with his parents’ help about his age, saying his birth year was 1892, not 1893. He served until 1914, participating in the incursion into Vera Cruz, Mexico, after the “Tampico Incident.” During much of his four years, he was detached from his command to the Marine Corps Rifle Range Detachment at the Marine Barracks, Quantico, VA, as part of the marksmanship team. After finishing Boot Camp at Paris Island, South Carolina, he was assigned to an old Battleship, the USS Louisiana (BB-19) and later the USS Texas (BB-35), as part of the Marine detachment. He was a participant in most of the National matches at Camp Perry during that time, earning the National Match, Distinguished Marksmanship Gold Metal.

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Service Reflections of ATC Walter Willey, U.S. Navy (1944-1986)

Service Reflections of ATC Walter Willey, U.S. Navy (1944-1986)

I was just 18 at the time and qualified to enlist at the enlistment center in Manchester, NH in Nov 1944. My father Charles H. Willey, was Navy all the way. Dad received the Medal of Honor in 1932. He was born in East Boston, MA on March 31, 1889. At the age of 19, he enlisted in the US Navy. As a Machinist Mate 2nd Class and he sailed all over the world on his first hitch. During Dad’s 2nd hitch he made Warrant Machinist in 1914. He was awarded the Medal Of Honor for exceptional heroism performed aboard the USS Memphis during a hurricane off Santa Domingo City in 1916. He received many other medals.
Now, you can bet that certainly influenced my decision to join the Navy. I was a 139 lb boy at that time. I went to Boot Camp as the Pacific war was still raging.

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Service Reflections of AO2 Jack Leach, U.S. Navy (1964-1970)

Service Reflections of AO2 Jack Leach, U.S. Navy (1964-1970)

Many things. Growing up my father owned the local movie theater where we lived. The top movies in that time were war movies, so I grew up with movies like: “The Fighting Lady” and other such. Audie Murphy was a personal friend of dads as well. Another personal friend of dads was in the Merchant Marine during WWII and his stories were exciting to me when I was a teenager. I also had relatives that served in the Navy during Korea. I guess it was really the relatives that served in the Navy that really made up my mind. Dad got out of the Army as a 1stSgt and he would have liked to see me go into the Army but said he would back me whatever branch I decided on. He went with me to see all the different branches The Navy was the only one who didn’t PROMISE me the moon. They told me it was up to me and my abilities. Dad and I both liked that.
Pictured: L to R, Richard the Merchant Marine, Me, and Dad.

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Service Reflections of NCC Don Richards, U.S. Navy (1980-2004)

Service Reflections of NCC Don Richards, U.S. Navy (1980-2004)

Growing up I was influenced by war movies, TV and history involving the military (and I still am) so; I felt a sense of duty. In 1980 (age 20) I knew I wanted to join but, I wanted some control over what I would be doing. One day I drove to the recruiting office, grabbed some pamphlets and left. I didn’t look at the recruiters or give them a chance to talk to me.
I looked at the material over, talked to my brother-in-law (who was a Navy Vet) and went back a week or so later to negotiate IC “A” school.
When I learned I could be promoted to E2 by referring two others to join; I parked outside the recruiting office almost every day, during lunch. When someone came up I’d ask, “are you thinking about joining the Navy”? If they said yes I’d say “my name’s Don, come on, I’ll introduce ya! The recruiters must have thought I knew everyone in town and at least three of them enlisted (so, since I referred them, I was promoted to E2).

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Service Reflections of ISCM Donald Zimbelman, U.S. Navy (1967-1991)

Service Reflections of ISCM Donald Zimbelman, U.S. Navy (1967-1991)

My decision to join the Navy was probably like others who joined, I didn’t want to be drafted into the Army. Also, my dad and several uncles were in the Navy during WW II, and I wanted to follow the military tradition that my family had. I also had an uncle who served in the Army during WW II, and my Grandfather was in the Army during WW I. I was also interested in the Navy and was mesmerized by the battleships and aircraft carriers. I wanted to be a Naval Aviator, which didn’t happen, but I came close as an aircrew member on EC/WC-121s. So, my best friend, Doug Austin, and I enlisted in the Navy and left for boot camp in San Diego on February 1, 1967. We were both tired of school and were looking forward to a change.

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Service Reflections of LCDR Leroy Jones, U.S. Navy (1954-1975)

Service Reflections of LCDR Leroy Jones, U.S. Navy (1954-1975)

I was 7 years old when Pearl Harbor was hit. I grew up wishing I could get involved. We did in the ways kids could, collecting scrap medals and tinfoil (from cigarette packs) and learning and practicing the “Scout Run” to be able to act as messengers as Scouts in England, if necessary.
When graduating from high school I couldn’t wait to join. Korea was going then (1954). I missed Korea but, made the Navy a career and was involved in Vietnam.
No one person influenced me to join the Navy. World events played that role.

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