
Service Reflections of COL John R. (Dick) Power, U.S. Army (1963-1992)

Service Reflections of COL John R. (Dick) Power, U.S. Army (1963-1992)

It was straightforward. My father, a WWII veteran who left the Army as a Captain, gave me sage advice. I was about to enter my freshman year in college in 18. There was still a draft. He told me to get into the ROTC program because it was better to serve as an officer than an enlisted soldier. I would not challenge his credibility about this and so on. Unusually for an 18-year-old, I listened to my father. And went on to serve for almost 30 years and retired as a Colonel. I sure wish he had lived to see that!

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Service Reflections of CPL Michael Hall, U.S. Marine Corps (1968-1971)

Service Reflections of CPL Michael Hall, U.S. Marine Corps (1968-1971)

My very good childhood friend, Ray Cagle, enlisted in the Marine Corps in mid-67 (at a Local Judge’s firm recommendation), almost a year before I did. Yes, we could be mischievous teenage boys. So, the Marine Corps was an excellent choice for both of us.
I met up with Ray after he had completed Boot Camp at Parris Island and Infantry Training at Camp Geiger, N.C. Ray was home for a visit before going to Radioman School and then on to Vietnam. His comments and his suggestion on The Marine Corps sold me. On enlisting. when I turned 18. But my 18th Birthday fell on a Sunday, so when I tried to enlist on Saturday, August 3, afternoon—one day prior to turning 18. The Recruiter said I would need to get my Parents’ signature or come back Monday AM to enlist. I did return at 9:30 AM Monday, August 5, 1968, and enlisted on the 3-Year Enlistment plan—a suggestion the Recruiter made.

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Service Reflections of COL Earl Honeycutt, U.S. Air Force (1966-1998)

Service Reflections of COL Earl Honeycutt, U.S. Air Force (1966-1998)

There are a variety of reasons for me joining the US Air Force. When I graduated from high school in May 1965, my best friend Jimmy Cooper joined the AF the next day and tried to convince me to go with him to Lackland. Jimmy may have convinced me had we had a plan, but he showed up one afternoon and said he was leaving on Friday and said–“Let’s go in together!”
Guess it was a little too quick and too much of a surprise for me. After working for six months and buying a Corvette, I received a letter from my local draft board instructing me to report for a pre-induction physical.
In 1966 about 50,000 men were being drafted each month! Having scored well on the AF test taken in high school, I decided to enlist and receive guaranteed training in electronics which was a new frontier at the time as far as I was concerned.

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Service Reflections of SMSgt John Ridlehoover, U.S. Air Force (1957-1983)

Service Reflections of SMSgt John Ridlehoover, U.S. Air Force (1957-1983)

When I graduated from high school, I knew I did not want to go to work at the main source of employment in my then, hometown. Namely one of the 5 or more “Cotton Mills” that employed a large percent of the population of the town. I had an uncle who had gone to West Point for a period of time, did not graduate, but did go into the Army as a 2nd Lt. He would come home on leave in a nice car from places like Texas and other locations and I said to myself “The military will be my ticket out of here”.
Plus the draft was still in effect. I did not think I wanted to get drafted into the army, so I enlisted in the Air Force. When I enlisted I did not necessarily do so with the intention of making a career of it but after Tech School, I was sent to Scotland where I met my future wife. After my tour there, I had five years invested so I thought why not just stay for the long haul!

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Service Reflections of CW2 Martin Leddy, U.S. Army (1976-2010)

Service Reflections of CW2 Martin Leddy, U.S. Army (1976-2010)

I think it was a series of events. I was influenced by having my college scholarship pulled by the school finance office because they felt my father should pay my way through school. They offered me a full ride, then pulled it before the first day of school. Frustrating.
I went home and found two part-time jobs to help out. Dad had just resigned from the Director of Technical and Vocational Ed at Illinois Central College which he helped found.
Dad had an old Army buddy who had been SF in Vietnam and who was medically retired. He had cancer and came to stay with us for a while. He and I talked a lot about opportunities. I think more than anyone, he influenced my decision to serve. He was truly a great guy.

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Service Reflections of CSM Michael Sweeney, U.S. Army (1969-1999)

Service Reflections of CSM Michael Sweeney, U.S. Army (1969-1999)

When I turned 17 in October of 1969, I hadn’t much going for me. In fact, I had nothing going for me except trouble. I dropped out of high school in my junior year. I had not held any job longer than receiving my first paycheck. I had been arrested for grand larceny and was given the chance to leave home by joining the Army.
I was released to my father’s custody to make my decision. While talking about it with one of my friends, we decided to visit the recruiting station on our own. We signed right up for the prospect of leaving our hometown, getting away, and starting a life on our own.
We joined on the buddy basic program for training as Cooks. e enlisted on the very last day of the ’60s, 31 December 1969. It was a special ceremony, and we spent the next five days on administrative leave, then reported for basic training. I like the old cadence song I joined the Army to, “Go to war or go to jail.” Who influenced them? Well, the Judge, my friend Mike Hoyden, and my Father. Then my Dad dropped me off and told me, “This is not just another job you can quit.” I didn’t…. for 29 years and two months.

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Service Reflections of SFC John Westlake, U.S. Army (1967-2010)

Service Reflections of SFC John Westlake, U.S. Army (1967-2010)

I was influenced by a few factors. I was brought up in a patriotic New England family. I had uncles who fought in Vietnam, Korea, and WWII, and my grandfather on my mother’s side fought in WWI. I remember as a young boy going with most of them to the local Memorial Day parade. We would always stand near a bridge where the parade would stop and a wreath would be thrown into the water.
The other factor that influenced me was the 6 o’clock news. As I was growing up in the ’60s, the Vietnam War was in full swing, and the daily body count of US GI’s and Viet Cong would always be announced. I remember how it bothered me when there were more GI’s killed on any given day than VC. My mind was made up just as I started high school. I wanted to go over there and even the odds. Having grown up on a farm and already having handled rifles and shotguns, I felt I was ready.

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Service Reflections of HM1 Kenneth Smith, U.S. Navy (1987-2007)

Service Reflections of HM1 Kenneth Smith, U.S. Navy (1987-2007)

I had always wanted to join the Navy, ever since I was 12 years old.
My uncle was in the Navy and he would always come home with more sea stories to tell.
When my dad went back in the Navy, after 10 years of broken service, we moved to San Diego. I was immersed in the Navy culture and I knew I wanted to become a Sailor. I joined the Sea Cadet Corps and stayed in it for 3 years, until we moved to Minneapolis, MN.
I joined the Minnesota National Guard, while still in high school because the Navy didn’t want me until I graduated. I wanted to serve my country as soon as I could I finally joined the Navy in April of 1987 and went to Boot Camp in Jun 1987.
While in Boot Camp, a Chaplin asked my company why we joined. I was the only one in the company to say I simply wanted to serve my country. It was not popular, back then, to be as patriotic as I was. But I was proud to serve, and I am proud to have gotten as far as I did.

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Service Reflections of LCDR Leroy Jones, U.S. Navy (1954-1975)

Service Reflections of LCDR Leroy Jones, U.S. Navy (1954-1975)

I was 7 years old when Pearl Harbor was hit. I grew up wishing I could get involved. We did in the ways kids could, collecting scrap medals and tinfoil (from cigarette packs) and learning and practicing the “Scout Run” to be able to act as messengers as Scouts in England, if necessary.
When graduating from high school I couldn’t wait to join. Korea was going then (1954). I missed Korea but, made the Navy a career and was involved in Vietnam.
No one person influenced me to join the Navy. World events played that role.

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Service Reflections of CWO3 Scott Pipenhagen, U.S. Marine Corps (1982-2005)

Service Reflections of CWO3 Scott Pipenhagen, U.S. Marine Corps (1982-2005)

As to why I chose the Marines, it was a no-brainer once I decided to join the military since anything else would leave me wondering if I could have made it in the Marines.
Despite growing up in a family of veterans (Grandpa, Dad, and two Uncles), I never really gave much thought to joining the military myself. This all changed one day when, out of the blue, one of my cousins came to me and said that he was going to talk to the Marine Corps recruiter and wanted me to drive him there. I agreed to drive him and, on the way to the recruiter, he told me about a “Buddy Program” in which we, supposedly, could enlist together and then be stationed together throughout our enlistment. Needless to say, this was probably not the most accurate information, but it sounded good to me.
Once we got to the recruiting station, I had already made up my mind that I needed a change in my life and was going to sign up if my cousin did since I was just wasting money at college and needed a break from schooling.
Bottom line: He did not sign up but I did.

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