The Christy Collection

Military Stories and Articles

SP4 Tom Hirst, U.S. Army (1969-1971)

SP4 Tom Hirst, U.S. Army (1969-1971)

What Was Your Most Proud Moment From Your Military Service? What Made This Especially Memorable For You?:

During the CAMBODIAN INCURSION of 1970, I was assigned to Charlie Company 1/12, 1st Cavalry Division. The second platoon discovered a “motor pool” full of all kinds of equipment and supplies. When I got my draft notice, I was working at a Dodge Dealership and spending 3 nights a week at the local drag strips, so I felt “right at home” at this jungle motor pool/garage.

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Bullets in My Bottom Drawer: The Lighter Side of Combat by John Montalbano

Bullets in My Bottom Drawer: The Lighter Side of Combat by John Montalbano

For some, finding humor in war and combat might seem to make light of a very heavy situation. Some might even find it offensive. But those of us who have served in combat know that humor, even dark humor, is sometimes the only way to break the tension, ease the pain, and build the camaraderie that comes with fighting in a war.  John Montalbano, a retired Vietnam veteran who was drafted into the Army in 1967, would not only agree that humor is important, even in war, but he literally wrote...

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Famous Army Unit: Project Delta

Famous Army Unit: Project Delta

Since the beginning of warfare military leaders knew their greatest chance of winning on the battlefield is to know where the enemy is, how great in strength and what they were planning to do. It was certainly no different with Vietnam commanders. To gain useable and timely intelligence on local enemy forces, Vietnam infantry commanders created "unauthorized" or off the book reconnaissance units to penetrated deep into enemy-held territory. So successful were these forays by these small,...

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SP4 Tom Hirst, U.S. Army (1969-1971)

SP4 Tom Hirst, U.S. Army (1969-1971)

What was the biggest personal challenge that you encountered during your military service? How did you approach and overcome this?:

I know this will sound crazy, but when I got drafted in 1969, I was 20 years old and a VEGETARIAN! I didn’t smoke, drink or eat meat. Meat was something that had never been prepared at my home, and I was pretty sure that “à la carte” wasn’t on the menu! I was sent to Ft. Sam Houston for Basic Training & AIT, and I survived by picking my way through the mess hall offerings. I hope that my next duty station will work out the same way.

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SP 4 Tom Hirst, U.S. Army (1969-1971)

SP 4 Tom Hirst, U.S. Army (1969-1971)

Of all the medals, awards, formal presentations, and qualification badges you received, which one(s) are the most meaningful to you and why?:

“What is that?” asked the person parked next to me in the “VETERANS ONLY” parking space at Home Depot. “That’s the COMBAT MEDICAL BADGE,” explaining my vanity license plate. “It’s the Army Medic’s version of the Combat Infantry Badge.” “I’ve seen some of the other Florida license plates, with medals and stuff, but I’ve never seen that one. I was in the Air Force.”

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Famous Army Unit: 563rd Transportation Company

Famous Army Unit: 563rd Transportation Company

The complexion of war has changed significantly through millennia of human conflict and continues to evolve with new technologies and lessons learned on the battlefield. But despite this changing environment, one constant does exist: effective logistics and supply chain integrity can change the tide of battle and determine outcomes. Until World War II, a historical reliance on fixed fortifications led to straightforward solutions for combat support; however, the global scale of conflict and...

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