What Was Your Most Proud Moment From Your Military Service? What Made This Especially Memorable For You?:
Originally sent in an E-mail on September 24, 2003 at 10:23 AM to a friend. Two months ago, I made a special trip to San Antonio with my First Sergeant to welcome home a team of my 307th RED HORSE troops coming back from Baghdad. They had been in southwestern Asia supporting the war effort for 5 months. Just as they were about to be rotated home, another mission was tasked. The Senior Officer of the 1st Expeditionary RED HORSE Group asked them if they would volunteer to extend. These guys, after spending 5 months in the sand, were asked if they would volunteer to go to Baghdad International Airport and repair all the runway and taxiway craters we had blown in our bombing campaign. These repairs were necessary so that medicine, food and other civilian aid could begin to be air lifted directly to Baghdad International Airport.