The Christy Collection

Military Stories and Articles

Military Associations: Veterans of Foreign Wars

Military Associations: Veterans of Foreign Wars

There are many notable US veterans organizations, but one of the most notable is surely the Veterans of Foreign Wars. The VFW organization is over 100 years old, founded in 1913 in Denver, Colorado. Multiple veterans organizations founded in 1899 on returning to the country after the Spanish-American War consolidated to form the VFW. It currently counts its membership at over 1.15 million. The only way of obtaining membership in the VFW is by being an American citizen, served in the United...

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Military Associations: The American Legion

Military Associations: The American Legion

Perhaps the most well-known veterans organization in the country, the American Legion is a non-profit organization of US war veterans, with a membership of approximately 1.8 million. A thousand members of the American Expeditionary Force founded the Legion in Paris in 1919 as a patriotic veterans organization devoted to mutual helpfulness. The American Legion was chartered and incorporated by Congress in 1919 and has enjoyed a high profile since its largest veterans organization. Ten of the...

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