The Christy Collection

Military Stories and Articles

Service Reflections of DCCM Ron Coombs, U.S. Coast Guard (1976 – 1997)

Service Reflections of DCCM Ron Coombs, U.S. Coast Guard (1976 – 1997)

I grew up in the airline industry, and the Vietnam War was still going on. I wanted college, and the GI bill was the only way to get there, so I went service shopping down on 7th Street in Ft. Worth, Texas.
After talking with the Navy and Air Force, I stepped out a side door and saw a small fold-out sign that said “Coast Guard.” I had no idea what it was. Two men were crammed into a small room, and I would run into one again ten years later.
The helicopters caught my eye, and I signed up. I never did get into aviation, and it turns out I like ships. Who knew? I had no fear of boot camp (Alameda) until we were told we were all going on a ship heading for Vietnam. We didn’t go. The war ended, and we were sent out to save America.

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Service Reflections of YN2 George Glover, U.S. Coast Guard (1974-1979)

Service Reflections of YN2 George Glover, U.S. Coast Guard (1974-1979)

I was 19 years old, and it was the Vietnam Era. I had registered for the draft the previous year while in High School in San Diego, CA. I graduated HS and tried going to college, but it just wasn’t for me. So, after a semester, I left college. Now, what am I going to do? I really had no idea. I was thinking of the Navy because my father had served in the Navy during WWII. He had a career of over 22 years and was a BMC. I was going to join the Navy when a friend of mine mentioned the Coast Guard. That had never occurred to me. I was familiar with the USCG Air Station in San Diego and the cutters at Point Loma, and I liked what the Coast Guard did. Not only did they train for war, but they trained for SAR, law enforcement, pollution control, marine safety, etc. I knew that my father would be spinning in his grave as he had passed away, but I went down to the Coast Guard recruiter in San Diego, talked to them, and signed up. After the physical and paperwork was done, I was offered a guaranteed “A” school, YN. I took it and was off to boot camp in Alameda.

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Famous Coast Guard Unit: USCGC Ironwood (WAGL/WLB-297/NRPN)

Famous Coast Guard Unit: USCGC Ironwood (WAGL/WLB-297/NRPN)

On March 31, 1941, Marine Iron and Shipbuilding in Duluth, Minnesota, laid the keel for the first Coast Guard vessel of a Mesquite new buoy tender class, joining the so-called "Black Hull" fleet. The new vessel measured 180 feet overall and had a beam of 37 feet at the extreme. She had a displacement of 935 tons and drew 12 feet. Marine Iron and Shipbuilding made all but one, the Coast Guard cutter Ironwood (USCGC Ironwood), coming in for $1,388,277, was built at the USCG yard in Curtis Bay,...

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Service Reflections of ET3 John Warren, U.S. Coast Guard (1970-1974)

Service Reflections of ET3 John Warren, U.S. Coast Guard (1970-1974)

Like so many young men in the late 1960’s and early 70’s, I found myself with a 1A classification in the draft. When the first draft lottery was drawn, my birthday came up number 23. Growing up on Coastal Maryland, I had always been around the water, although had not spent that much time on boats, enough to know that I would rather rock and roll than sleep in a tent. My Dad knew a couple of people, as did I who had gone into the Coast Guard and really enjoyed their duty. Hoping to find myself on small boats possibly in Ocean City, Maryland or Chincoteague, Virginia, I went into the recruiter’s office. I was immediately informed that there was a long wait to get into the Coast Guard, so being between semesters at college, I went to enroll for the spring semester. A couple of days later, my mother called to let me know that someone had backed out and decided not to go into the Coast Guard and that I could go in the next week.

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Service Reflections of LCDR Ed Swift, U.S. Coast Guard (1970-2000)

Service Reflections of LCDR Ed Swift, U.S. Coast Guard (1970-2000)

Growing up in Delaware, I spent a few weeks every summer at Dewey Beach. I recall seeing a 44-foot motor lifeboat from Indian River Inlet Station on patrol and then working with an HH-52A helicopter from Air Station Cape May, N.J.
Over the radio, I learned that some folks were rescued by the Coast Guard that day and that I had probably seen part of the rescue procedure. One summer, a high school friend and his father were fishing in the Atlantic about 12 miles offshore when their boat sank. They were ultimately saved by the Coast Guard and that made a distinct impression on me.

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Service Reflections of AEC John Furqueron, U.S. Coast Guard (1961-1981)

Service Reflections of AEC John Furqueron, U.S. Coast Guard (1961-1981)

I was 19 years old, and it was the Vietnam Era. I had registered for the draft the previous year while in High School in San Diego, CA. I graduated HS and tried going to college, but it just wasn’t for me. So, after a semester, I left college. Now, what am I going to do? I really had no idea. I was thinking of the Navy because my father had served in the Navy during WWII. He had a career of over 22 years and was a BMC. I was going to join the Navy when a friend of mine mentioned the Coast Guard. That had never occurred to me. I was familiar with the USCG Air Station in San Diego and the cutters at Point Loma, and I liked what the Coast Guard did. Not only did they train for war, but they trained for SAR, law enforcement, pollution control, marine safety, etc. I knew that my father would be spinning in his grave as he had passed away, but I went down to the Coast Guard recruiter in San Diego, talked to them, and signed up. After the physical and paperwork was done, I was offered a guaranteed “A” school, YN. I took it and was off to boot camp in Alameda.

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Service Reflections of CDR Theodore Scheeser, U.S. Coast Guard (1961-1986)

Service Reflections of CDR Theodore Scheeser, U.S. Coast Guard (1961-1986)

I was raised in Akron, OH, not noted for its water boundaries. My family vacationed in Marblehead, OH, and I watched the Coasties at the nearby rescue station with awe. Since the Draft was ever-present and college was not in the future, I decided to join. When it came time to enlist, the recruiter was never there (a sub-station). I almost went into the Navy to get out of Akron.

But my mother, God rest her soul, made me keep trying. She didn’t want me to lose my dream.

Finally, I caught the recruiter, MM1 Reitler, and enlisted. But to confuse the recruiter, I sent my twin that afternoon to enlist. We went to the buddy program.

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Service Reflections of ET2 David Ingebright, U.S. Coast Guard (1966-1970)

Service Reflections of ET2 David Ingebright, U.S. Coast Guard (1966-1970)

PRESERVING A MILITARY LEGACY FOR FUTURE GENERATIONS The following Reflections represents ET2 David Ingebright's legacy of his military service from 1972 to 1976. If you are a Veteran, consider preserving a record of your own military service, including your memories and photographs, on (TWS), the leading archive of living military history. The following Service Reflections is an easy-to-complete self-interview, located on your TWS Military Service Page, which enables you...

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