What was your primary Occupational Specialty in the Military? What was the most significant skill you learned and was this useful in your civilian life?

My primary AFSC was 328×3, Electronic Warfare Systems Specialist and I achieved a 7-level before being medically discharged after being struck by a drunk driver. My first two assignments were 1st Special Operations Wing (Tactical Air Command at first, then later Military Airlift Command) at Hurlburt Field, where I participated in the Iran hostage rescue mission in April 1980 as part of the 100-member logistics crew that accompanied our special operations aircraft to Egypt for the forward staging location, and the 51st Tactical Fighter Wing (Tactical Air Command) at Homestead AFB where I worked on the last operational F-4D squadrons. I worked within my primary at both of these first two assignments and loved working on aircraft outside on the flight line.

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