I grew up in a family with a rich military history. My great great grandfather fought in the Civil War but never came home and is presumed dead. My grandfather Anderson was a soldier in WWI and served in France. Five uncles on both sides of the family served in WWII, three in the Army, 1 in the Navy and 1 in the Marine Corps. Two of these uncles made careers in the Air Force that continued from WWII through the Vietnam War. My father served three years in the Army from 1936 into 1939 and then again from 1944 into 1946.
As a youngster, I relished all the war stories and was old enough to keep up with all the news about the Korean War. My friends and I were always playing with toy soldiers and fighting our own wars. At an early age, I started with Cub Scouts then Boy Scouts and loved wearing the uniforms and going to all the Scout Camps. Later I joined the Cadet Division of the Civil Air Patrol keeping a fascination with things military. Perhaps it was a foregone conclusion that I would be in the military, but what branch?
One of the adult members of the Civil Air Patrol was a Texas Highway Patrolman and I became very interested in pursuing law enforcement. By this time I was becoming a senior in high school but you had to be 21 years old to apply to the Texas Department of Public Safety. The military draft was in effect at this time and I determined that the US Army had an excellent Military Police Corps. My plan was then to join the Army after school and spend three years in the Military Police to prepare me for civilian law enforcement and not have to worry about being drafted later to interfere with my goal.