The Christy Collection

Military Stories and Articles

Service Reflections of HM1 Kenneth Smith, U.S. Navy (1987-2007)

Service Reflections of HM1 Kenneth Smith, U.S. Navy (1987-2007)

I had always wanted to join the Navy, ever since I was 12 years old.
My uncle was in the Navy and he would always come home with more sea stories to tell.
When my dad went back in the Navy, after 10 years of broken service, we moved to San Diego. I was immersed in the Navy culture and I knew I wanted to become a Sailor. I joined the Sea Cadet Corps and stayed in it for 3 years, until we moved to Minneapolis, MN.
I joined the Minnesota National Guard, while still in high school because the Navy didn’t want me until I graduated. I wanted to serve my country as soon as I could I finally joined the Navy in April of 1987 and went to Boot Camp in Jun 1987.
While in Boot Camp, a Chaplin asked my company why we joined. I was the only one in the company to say I simply wanted to serve my country. It was not popular, back then, to be as patriotic as I was. But I was proud to serve, and I am proud to have gotten as far as I did.

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Service Reflections of ETCS Dale Hower, U.S. Navy (1968-1988)

Service Reflections of ETCS Dale Hower, U.S. Navy (1968-1988)

My father James D. Hower, Sr, had a short Navy career of 9 months. He enlisted near the end of WWII and was stationed at Camp Peary, Virginia. He and my mother lived a small apartment in what is now Colonial Williamsburg. When the war ended he was offered an early out when the armed services were down sizing. Throughout my youth, he often mentioned that he wished he would have stayed in.
Although his time in the Navy was limited he encouraged me and my brother to pursue a career in the military. My older brother, James D. Hower, Jr. had a 15-year career in the Navy. He went to boot camp at Great Lakes, obtained an appointment to the Naval Academy from our congressman, went to Naval Academy Preparatory School in Bainbridge MD and then on to Annapolis, graduating in 1971. He separated from the Navy as a Lieutenant.
Through his and my father’s urging, I eventually joined the Navy while still a senior in high school under the delayed entry program. Like my father and brother, we were employed in the textile industry and worked at the same mill. Unlike my father, we had the opportunity to leave the small town Pennsylvania mill worker life and see the world.

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