The Christy Collection

Military Stories and Articles

Service Reflections of Capt Rockford Willett, U.S. Air Force (1980-1992)

Service Reflections of Capt Rockford Willett, U.S. Air Force (1980-1992)

My oldest brother served in the Army from 1964 – 1967 and survived a tour in Vietnam as a combat medic. I figured if he could do that and come back alive, I could do better in the US Air Force. I was married for about 18 months, quit a full-time job to “go back to school,” hated going back to school, and got a job as a “courtesy clerk” at Kroger. Although I had a lot of experience in stage lighting, no jobs were panning out for me in that area. Then I remembered my brother’s experience with the Army and decided to visit an Air Force recruiter and see what it was all about. I still remember the recruiter – TSGT Steiger.

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Service Reflections of CW2 Martin Leddy, U.S. Army (1976-2010)

Service Reflections of CW2 Martin Leddy, U.S. Army (1976-2010)

I think it was a series of events. I was influenced by having my college scholarship pulled by the school finance office because they felt my father should pay my way through school. They offered me a full ride, then pulled it before the first day of school. Frustrating.
I went home and found two part-time jobs to help out. Dad had just resigned from the Director of Technical and Vocational Ed at Illinois Central College which he helped found.
Dad had an old Army buddy who had been SF in Vietnam and who was medically retired. He had cancer and came to stay with us for a while. He and I talked a lot about opportunities. I think more than anyone, he influenced my decision to serve. He was truly a great guy.

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