Joe Owen enlisted in the U.S. Marine Corps in 1943. He deployed shortly afterward with a forward observer squad during World War II. If you talked to the man, however, you would quickly learn it was the Korean War that defined his service to the country. In 1997, he would literally write a book about his experiences in Korea, an experience that culminated with the infamous Battle of the Chosin Reservoir. By the time North Korean tanks rolled into South Korea in June 1950, Owen was a...
The Christy Collection
Military Stories and Articles
Korean War – The Chosin Reservoir
Few battles loom as large in modern Marine Corps history, like the Battle of Chosin Reservoir. A massive, combined force of U.S. Marines and U.S. Army soldiers, along with troops from Britain and South Korea, suddenly found themselves surrounded, outnumbered by around four-to-one and forced to fight their way out while enduring subzero temperatures and often knee-deep in snow. The "Frozen Chosin" and Strategic Consequences The "Frozen Chosin" may not get a specific mention in the...
Gunnery Sgt. Carlos Hathcock, U.S. Marine Corps (1959-1979)
There are few Marine Corps legends like that of Carlos Hathcock. If there's a pantheon of Marine Corps gods somewhere, Hathcock is definitely among them. He served the Corps and his country for 20 years, including two tours as a sniper in Vietnam, where he racked up what was then the world record for confirmed kills at 93 - although he believed the actual number was somewhere around 300. "Carlos just really believed in what he was doing out there. He was saving Marines; that's how he really...
Service Reflections of LIC Jack De Merit, U.S. Navy (1961-1990)
Many of us in a high school fraternity decided that the best way to complete our military obligation was to enlist in the Naval Reserve. As I was older than the others, I had already graduated when the Naval Reserve Recruiter came to Fairfax High School in Los Angeles to make his presentation. They were all Gung Ho, and they tried to convince me to join them. I told them that I would check it out on my own and give them an answer within the next week. As they were not graduating until the end of the semester, the only rush was that summer vacation would be a great time to do our Boot Camp. Being Reservists would allow us to continue our education while attending Reserve Meetings.
SGT Edgar Medina, U.S. Marine Corps (1969-1977)
What was your primary Occupational Specialty in the Military? What was the most significant skill you learned and was this useful in your civilian life?
Wow! When one hears the slogan, Adapt, Improvise, and Overcome, they are talking about my beloved Marine Corps. When I enlisted in 1969, after boot camp, I was given the 0351 infantry specialty of anti-tank assault. I learned to operate the 106mm recoilless rifle along with the attached 50mm spotting rifle. Another neat “toy” I learned to fire was the 3.5 rocket launcher (Bazooka) but, that was not all I also learned to operate and fire the flame thrower. Months later, while en route to Vietnam, I had visions of blowing up enemy tanks and burning the Vietcong out of tunnels with my flame thrower. When I arrived in Danang, my instructions were to report to the 81mm mortar section, H&S 1/1 1st Marine Division. Well, I adapted, and over time and countless fire missions, I not only learned about mortars, but I worked my way up to assistant gunner and had my sights set on becoming the gunner. Well, the needs of the Corps trumped my personal ambition, and shortly after, I was transferred to Mike Company, 3/1 1st Marine Division. This was due to this unit sustaining many casualties and desperately needing replacements. Well, after my experience as a 0341 mortar man, I was once again transitioning into an 0311 infantryman. I’m not one who likes to tell war stories or talk about my experience in the war, but while I had seen some limited action with mortars, it was like a walk compared to what I was getting into. My new unit was operating in an area called “Arizona territory”. I believe this was in or near An Hoa. After being with this unit for a short while, the Marine that carried the M79 grenade launcher was due to rotate back to the States, and he designated me as his replacement. I loved this weapon, often referred to as the blooper, because of the noise it made when fired.
Sergeant Reckless: America’s War Horse
The young filly showed great promise every time she ran a race. Many believed she would be a prize winner. But she never got the chance. In June 1950, North Korean troops stormed across the border between South Korea in a surprise attack that changed life on the Korean Peninsula. It also brought the sport of horseracing to a standstill. With no races to run, owning racehorses became a financial liability for their owners. Like many others, she was abandoned at the Seoul racetrack. A young...
The First Battle of Fallujah
In the earliest years of the Iraq War, the city of Fallujah was one of the most contested cities in the country, but it didn't start out that way. Local citizens had taken control of maintaining order in the city, but a series of misunderstandings between Coalition forces and local leaders soon led to violence and outrage. At the end of March 2004, four private military contractors were massacred and mutilated by insurgents there. The same day, five American soldiers were killed by a massive...
Service Reflections of Sgt Lenard Bailes, U.S. Marine Corps (1963-1967)
As I approached my 18th birthday, I had always been interested in enlisting in the Marine Corps. I probably read every book and saw every movie about the Marine Corps growing up. I knew I would be a Marine at some point in my life. You could have called me a Marine wanna-be. I don’t believe there was ever a single major influence that I can remember.
Boot Camp had no surprises for me. I anticipated rough treatment, verbal badgering, and the best basic military training in the world. I just kept my mouth shut and did what I was told as quickly as possible. I wasn’t disappointed.
Service Reflections of GySgt Peter Bimonte, U.S. Marine Corps (1984-2004)
I wish I could say I dreamt of being a Marine since I was a young child, however, that wasn’t the case. In fact, I was well into my senior year at John F. Kennedy Catholic high school before joining the armed services ever entered my mind.
My best friend, Kevin Hendricks, was visiting the local USMC recruiter quite often just to hang out and he asked if I wanted to tag along. It wasn’t long thereafter that I knew the Marine Corps was my ticket out without having to spend 4 more years behind a desk at some faraway college. So it is without a doubt that my recruiter, Sgt Mark Cross was the single most important person who influenced my decision to join the Corps. I’ve heard some real “horror stories” about recruiters but this guy was top-notch and NEVER lied or painted a rosy picture of how things would be in boot camp. For that, I am forever thankful!
In full disclosure, the girls he introduced me to and the beer he bought me didn’t hurt either – Semper Fi, Sgt Cross!
Service Reflections of CW3 Robert Cox Jr., U.S. Army (1958-1980)
I grew up in a family with a rich military history. My great great grandfather fought in the Civil War but never came home and is presumed dead. My grandfather Anderson was a soldier in WWI and served in France. Five uncles on both sides of the family served in WWII, three in the Army, 1 in the Navy and 1 in the Marine Corps. Two of these uncles made careers in the Air Force that continued from WWII through the Vietnam War. My father served three years in the Army from 1936 into 1939 and then again from 1944 into 1946.
As a youngster, I relished all the war stories and was old enough to keep up with all the news about the Korean War. My friends and I were always playing with toy soldiers and fighting our own wars. At an early age, I started with Cub Scouts then Boy Scouts and loved wearing the uniforms and going to all the Scout Camps. Later I joined the Cadet Division of the Civil Air Patrol keeping a fascination with things military. Perhaps it was a foregone conclusion that I would be in the military, but what branch?
One of the adult members of the Civil Air Patrol was a Texas Highway Patrolman and I became very interested in pursuing law enforcement. By this time I was becoming a senior in high school but you had to be 21 years old to apply to the Texas Department of Public Safety. The military draft was in effect at this time and I determined that the US Army had an excellent Military Police Corps. My plan was then to join the Army after school and spend three years in the Military Police to prepare me for civilian law enforcement and not have to worry about being drafted later to interfere with my goal.
Service Reflections of LCpl Ramon D Arredondo, U.S. Marine Corps (1968-1972)
I grew up listening to my dad’s war stories of WW II, fighting in the Pacific against the Japanese. My Dad was, and is my HERO. I wanted to be just like him. Wanting to do my part in the service of this great country. I grew up playing war games with my brothers and cousins in our back yard. Being a military man and of course the dress blues of the USMC that I saw one day in High School. DUTY, HONOR AND GOD, I belonged to JROTC unit in high school. We thought that it was our duty to stop the spread of communism in the world. The dress blues and the challenge of being the best fighting unit in the armed services. I trained as a Marine Sniper. Although when I got in-country, grunts were in need and not snipers. I participated in operation Utah Mesa; lower A Shau Valley search and destroy missions. I ran into an NVA patrol. This was my first firefight. There were 2 NVA KIA’s and 1 wounded. We suffered 1 wounded Marine. This was just one of many patrols that I went on. The Operation continued into Laos. We cut off supplies of the Ho Chi Minh trail. Georgia Tar, Hekiemer Mountain operations.
I would go on patrols and pull convoy duty watching over the SeaBee repairing HWY 1, receiving small arms fire during this encounter! I was sitting atop a hill in the lower Khe Sahn area and looking up at the night sky. The stars made me feel lonely and scared. We had incoming daily from the DMZ rockets, motors, and artillery shelling. It was constant harassment from the NVA. Although not considered to be a major operation, the loss of life tells another story. Operation Utah Mesa came at cost of 145 Marines killed and some 300 wounded. Victory doesn’t come easy, when you are the one looking for the enemy. During the Fall Counter-Offensive we were Heloed into Thua Thein Province near the Loation border for search and destroy. The operation took about 3 weeks in December of 1969. Here we encountered light enemy fire, but we captured rice, a small arms stash and disrupted the enemies supply line. Semper Fi’ MY EXPERT BADGE and SNIPER Qualification AND MY Combat Action Ribbon for the fire fights I participated in, were a true test of your metal and the Viet Nam Cross of Gallantry Medal.
Then there was the death of LCpl Seiler, June 27,1969 and the death of two other Marines PFC Huriank and CPL Mc Masters. He, Seiler, was a short timer killed 2 week before rotating back to the states. We had been talking just moments before his death. How precious life really was to us. I spent another two and half years more in the Corps and I got out.
I went back to being a meat ciutter in the private sector and after 16 years, I went to work at DeCA. I became a meat cutter and then into Management for the Defense Commissary Agency at Lackland Air Force Base, and a tour in Holland at an Army Base. It provided me with the drive to succeed. I supervised 20 employees and ran a department that did $4 million in sales a year. Stay the course, be committed, use team work, be dedicated and go for gold!
Service Reflections of CPL Michael Hall, U.S. Marine Corps (1968-1971)
My very good childhood friend, Ray Cagle, enlisted in the Marine Corps in mid-67 (at a Local Judge’s firm recommendation), almost a year before I did. Yes, we could be mischievous teenage boys. So, the Marine Corps was an excellent choice for both of us.
I met up with Ray after he had completed Boot Camp at Parris Island and Infantry Training at Camp Geiger, N.C. Ray was home for a visit before going to Radioman School and then on to Vietnam. His comments and his suggestion on The Marine Corps sold me. On enlisting. when I turned 18. But my 18th Birthday fell on a Sunday, so when I tried to enlist on Saturday, August 3, afternoon—one day prior to turning 18. The Recruiter said I would need to get my Parents’ signature or come back Monday AM to enlist. I did return at 9:30 AM Monday, August 5, 1968, and enlisted on the 3-Year Enlistment plan—a suggestion the Recruiter made.