The Christy Collection

Military Stories and Articles

AE2(AW) LaTonya N. Davison, U.S. Navy (1996-2010)

AE2(AW) LaTonya N. Davison, U.S. Navy (1996-2010)

What Was Your Most Proud Moment From Your Military Service? What Made This Especially Memorable For You?:

Picture it, Atsugi Japan, 2003. I’m a ‘lowly’ E-5 aircraft electrician in VR-46 out of Marietta, GA, hand-picked for what’s known as a “Khaki Det (Detachment)”. The maintenance crew was all lower enlisted, chosen as the best mechanics and aircraft handlers in the command to accompany senior enlisted and officer maintenance administration and flight crew. I was one of 4 lower enlisted members of our 19 person crew.

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1LT William R. Belisle, U.S. Army (1969-1974)

1LT William R. Belisle, U.S. Army (1969-1974)

What Was Your Most Proud Moment From Your Military Service? What Made This Especially Memorable For You?:

ARMY COMMISSIONING On a beautiful summer weekend in 1968, I graduated from Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI), located in Massachusetts. College graduation for the Class of 1968 was scheduled for two days. An ROTC Commissioning Ceremony was held on Saturday, June 8. On Sunday, we went through the formal college graduation ceremony and got our diplomas. Before the Commissioning Ceremony on Saturday, our Army Green ROTC attire was transformed into Class “A” Army uniforms. Stripes were sewn on the legs of our trousers and the sleeves of our blouses. We replaced all our school emblems and badges with brass appropriate for Active Duty U.S. Army uniforms. We each wore Officer’s insignia and a Gold Band on our caps. We were to make sure our uniforms and haircuts were of the highest caliber. Missing, however, was any rank on our shoulder epaulets! Our gold Second Lieutenant rank would be pinned on after the ceremony.

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Col John Russell, U.S. Air Force (1975-2005)

Col John Russell, U.S. Air Force (1975-2005)

What Was Your Most Proud Moment From Your Military Service? What Made This Especially Memorable For You?:

Originally sent in an E-mail on September 24, 2003 at 10:23 AM to a friend. Two months ago, I made a special trip to San Antonio with my First Sergeant to welcome home a team of my 307th RED HORSE troops coming back from Baghdad. They had been in southwestern Asia supporting the war effort for 5 months. Just as they were about to be rotated home, another mission was tasked. The Senior Officer of the 1st Expeditionary RED HORSE Group asked them if they would volunteer to extend. These guys, after spending 5 months in the sand, were asked if they would volunteer to go to Baghdad International Airport and repair all the runway and taxiway craters we had blown in our bombing campaign. These repairs were necessary so that medicine, food and other civilian aid could begin to be air lifted directly to Baghdad International Airport.

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LTC Leslie S. Lee, U.S. Army (1986-2009)

LTC Leslie S. Lee, U.S. Army (1986-2009)

What Was Your Most Proud Moment From Your Military Service? What Made This Especially Memorable For You?:

When I was a freshly minted 1LT in the JAG Corps in 1986, we were taken to the range to familiarize on the M-16. I had never fired a weapon in my life, so I listened closely to the instructions. I hit the target every time. When I later went to actually qualify with my first unit (1st Infantry Division – Ft. Riley garrison company), I shot expert. I remember being in the foxhole and hearing people asking who was in lane 4 as all the farthest targets were being hit. (That was me and I think, but can’t swear, the farthest targets were 300 meters). After everyone finished, it was announced that the new female JAG had the top score. I remember the gasps from the other officers in the room. I will never forget how proud I felt. I later won an Excellence in Competition badge for the 45 pistol in 1991, but nothing compared to seeing the shock on the faces of my fellow officers (some of whom were infantry) on that first expert qualification. How I wish I still had a picture of that scorecard!

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MAJ Terrance (TP) Pitts, U.S. Army (1998-2025)

MAJ Terrance (TP) Pitts, U.S. Army (1998-2025)

Do You Have A Favorite Photo From Your Military Service? What Memories Does This Photo Bring Back For You?:

In a world often divided by political turmoil and cultural differences, moments of human connection transcend barriers and remind us of our shared humanity. This image captures a poignant scene as I was engaging with a group of Syrian children. What might seem like a simple interaction reveals profound lessons about freedom, servant leadership, and humility values that shape the ethos of military service and resonate deeply in contexts of conflict and need.

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1SG Randy Jr. Taylor, U.S. Army (2002-2023)

1SG Randy Jr. Taylor, U.S. Army (2002-2023)

Do You Have A Favorite Photo From Your Military Service? What Memories Does This Photo Bring Back For You?:

My favorite photo from my military service is the picture taken in 2006 of my Battalion, 1-18 Infantry Vanguards in flight to Kuwait where we would spend a short transitional period enroute to Baghdad Iraq. For some of us in this image this is a second deployment in theater to include myself and you can see the confidence of youth in my face during this air movement. Leading up to this image was a series of movements, baggage carries, weapons draw and close postured accountability while chain smoking with my Platoon. I am seen with a snack in my mouth towards the front. I can remember the smell of the jet fuel, the sounds, feel of being on the C130 and the excitement of going back to Iraq to do my trade as an Infantryman. This whole situation just felt so simple and familiar to me.

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EM3 Chandra M. Holland, U.S. Navy (1993-1996)

EM3 Chandra M. Holland, U.S. Navy (1993-1996)

What Habit(s), Good Or Not So Good, Did You Pick Up During Your Military Service That You Still Practise To This Day?:

Military service can leave an indelible mark on a person s habits and routines. From the first day of training, certain behaviors become ingrained, shaping not only how we approach tasks but also our mindset and work ethic. Many of these habits carry over into civilian life, and for me, they have been instrumental in running my veteran-owned business and have enriched my personal life as well.

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CSM Michael H. Sweeney, U.S. Army (1969-1999)

CSM Michael H. Sweeney, U.S. Army (1969-1999)

What Habit(s), Good or Not So Good, Did You Pick Up During Your Military Service That You Still Practise to This Day?:

Well, the Britannica Dictionary defines habit as: a usual way of behaving: something that a person often does in a regular and repeated way. With that in mind, the first thing that comes to mind, really the only thing, is waking up very early every morning. Sort of a given, isn t it? You know, We do more before 0900 than the rest of the world does all day , right? Well, this morning, like every morning, I woke up before 0500, and I have been retired from the uniform for 26 years and completely retired for over two years. That defines a habit that I have had now for over 55 years.

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SSG Victoria Ryan, U.S. Army (1973-1988)

SSG Victoria Ryan, U.S. Army (1973-1988)

What was your primary Occupational Specialty in the Military? What was the most significant skill you learned and was this useful in your civilian life?

When I enlisted in the Army in 1973, I was almost two months past my 23rd birthday, about five years older than the majority of enlistees. I already had five years of work experience in general administration and communications with New York Telephone Company.

Because of my strong typing skills and speed, I was assigned the primary MOS of 71B (clerk typist). As time went on and I achieved a higher rank, the MOS was automatically upgraded to 71L (administrative specialist).

While on active duty, I held various positions: Company clerk, librarian assistant, intelligence administrative specialist, and casualty operations NCO, just to name a few.

During my first reenlistment, I applied for and was awarded a secondary MOS of 81E (illustrator). This was primarily based on college art courses and my interest in pursuing an art-related field in the future. No military training in this MOS was offered or provided to me, and I never had the opportunity to utilize it while on active duty.

However, after my formal retirement, I utilized military opportunities for my art education, expounding on my secondary MOS. I have been able to create painted landscapes, which I have successfully marketed and generated revenue from.

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SFC Michael Taylor, U.S. Army (1977-2008)

SFC Michael Taylor, U.S. Army (1977-2008)

What was your primary Occupational Specialty in the Military? What was the most significant skill you learned and was this useful in your civilian life?

From the Battlefield to Brotherhood: A 30-Year Journey of Duty, Leadership, and Lifelong Bonds

Hey there! My Army career span was November 1977 through August 2008 resulting in full retirement. So, let me tell you about my time in the military. I started off as a 75 series, which eventually led me to become a Tanker (19K) and then transition to Human Resources (42A). It was quite a journey, I must say!

One of the most rewarding aspects of my military experience was the opportunity to provide support to my fellow soldiers. Whether it was on the battlefield or in the administrative realm, I always found fulfillment in being there for my comrades. There’s something incredibly special about being able to lend a helping hand and make a positive difference in someone’s life.

And boy, did I get to see some incredible places! Traveling was a big part of my military life, including going overseas. I got to immerse myself in different cultures and environments, which really broadened my perspective. Those memories and experiences have had a lasting impact on me, shaping who I am today.

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SGT William R. Upton, U.S. Army (1963-1968)

SGT William R. Upton, U.S. Army (1963-1968)

What memorabilia/souvenirs have you kept from your military service? What special meaning do these have for you?:

One Dollar and Five Dong

I met Binh outside the Black Cat bar in downtown Vung Tau, Vietnam. He was a Vietnamese marine and had just returned from firefight missions in the Delta. We often met like this to have a few beers and shoot the shit.
“Hey, Binh,” I said as he walked up.
“Xin ch’o, Uptoe.” Outside the door to the Black Cat stood a ragged little boy with a tin can begging for coins. I found a couple of coins and dropped them into the can. Binh did the same. Inside the bar, we sat down and I looked at him. “Binh,” I said, “Why did you give him money? You don t make that much.”
He grinned at me. “Uptoe give money, Bihn, too, give money.” He was silent for a moment, then said, “Binh know boy. Family kill by VC one year ago. Boy not beg money, not eat. Maybe find food at GI garbage place.”
“You’re a number one guy, Binh,” I said.
“You number one GI, Uptoe. I give you something. Binh reached into his pocket, pulled out a five dong note, signed it and tore it in half. He gave half to me. “After war we tape together and buy Ba-muoi-ba beer, okay, Uptoe?”
I took a dollar MPC from my wallet, tore it in two, signed it and gave Binh half and had him sign my half. “You’re on, Buddy,” I said.

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SGT Robert Pryor, U.S. Army (1967-1969)

SGT Robert Pryor, U.S. Army (1967-1969)

What memorabilia/souvenirs have you kept from your military service? What special meaning do these have for you?:

Disembarking at Cam Ranh Air Force Base, Viet Nam, in 1968, we were to exchange our field jackets for steel pots (helmet with liner) and flak vests (body armor). I dutifully lined up like everybody else. After handing my jacket to a member of the Rear Echelon Military Force (REMF), I reached for a helmet. He grabbed it and said, “Not you.” When I asked why, he said, “I thought you knew. Your Green Beret is bulletproof.”

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