Where did you enjoy the best chow during your military service and what was the best meal you remember? Where did you experience your worst chow?:

In 1968, I was an 18-year old Air Force buck sergeant, assigned to the 5th Tactical Control Group, Clark Airbase, Philippines. 5th TAC had detachments all over Southeast Asia and I was given the distinction of receiving a 45-day TDY to Hue- Phu Bai, where we had a radio relay site.
Our antennas were near the perimeter and we bunked with a Marine platoon who were responsible for a portion of the perimeter defenses. The Marines were most definitely not pleased that they had Air Force with them. To prove that they were absolutely correct, one night we came under the first airburst artillery attack (from NVA) I ever experienced. I was outside enjoying the show overhead clueless when a Marine came out and threw me into a bunker, noting that I was a Stupid Air Force sh*t.
The Marine platoon used the services of a nearby Seebee mess hall for their meals, so we four Air Force guys were also assigned that mess tent. The day after I arrived, I got in line and the cook asked me How do you want your eggs? My mouth dropped in disbelief and I said Over easy please. And that s what I was served. It was awesome.
That night we were back for dinner. I was asked How would you like your steak? Now THAT was the mess hall of my dreams. I prefer medium well. I ve had worse steaks at Texas Roadhouse.

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