The Christy Collection

Military Stories and Articles

Service Reflections of MGySgt John Street, U.S. Marine Corps (1972-1999)

Service Reflections of MGySgt John Street, U.S. Marine Corps (1972-1999)

Well, I was a little bored with school for starters even though I was a very good student. If I had followed my older brother’s lead I would have done two years at St. Pete JC in Clearwater, FL. After that who knows; he went into the USAF.
I suppose I was also ready to get away from my life as a shy-loner-dateless nobody in high school. My best friend Jeff (RIP 2006) and I somehow ended up climbing the stairs to the Armed Forces recruiting offices in downtown Clearwater, Florida in the early spring of 1972. We were actually looking for the Air Force recruiter, but I don’t recall exactly what our motivation was. As it happened the Air Force guy was out of the office, but the Marine recruiter, Gunny Bill Goddell, right across the hall, was in.
I’ve always chalked it up to fate. When I was a kid one of my favorite books to check out of the elementary school library, which I now have a copy was ‘Leatherneck’, a picture book about life in the Marine Corps by well-known author C. B. Colby. Quite a coincidence. When we found out the Marines had an Air Force too we were hooked. We delay-enlisted for aircraft maintenance guarantees in April 1972 and shipped to boot camp in October.

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Service Reflections of MSGT Willie McGee, U.S. Air Force (1974-1998)

Service Reflections of MSGT Willie McGee, U.S. Air Force (1974-1998)

I was fascinated with aircraft before I could write! Whenever I saw a plane (or even an airship) flying, I would have to stop and just watch it until it was out of sight. I WAS HOOKED whenever I saw the “US Air Force Blue” promotion on (the late 50s) TV! Even now, I remember my first model plane kit, an F-86 Super Sabre, and I was too young to read the instructions telling me I needed glue! Anyways, this love of aircraft stayed with me all through my formative years and into high school. During that time, the anti-Viet Nam movement was escalating. That and my “only son” status made thoughts of joining the military disappear.

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