What was your favorite piece of military equipment – firearm, apparel, vehicle, aircraft, boat, etc. – and why? What was your least favorite?:

Lucille Ball Fun with Radio Equipment Rock N Roll. As a Radioman, we could have plenty of I Love Lucy moments with the equipment. The “I love Lucy” moments for me involved the TTY (teletype for you non RM types). We had to change the paper often. If you are a brand new Radioman and you have to install the paper for the first time, you will be in for a treat. I did not have this issue, but I knew some people who did. They would install the paper wrong. They would take the carbon side and somehow have it on the outside side vice the middle where it should be and install it that way. How did that RM do it? They believed another RM who told them to separate the paper from the middle and install it that way. Watching someone painfully unrolling and rolling the paper back together is priceless. Then some Naval words would come out of their mouths while trying to install it that way. Too funny. Then the person who started the joke would tell the junior RM it was a joke. Then the junior RM would laugh too.

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