As to why I chose the Marines, it was a no-brainer once I decided to join the military since anything else would leave me wondering if I could have made it in the Marines.
Despite growing up in a family of veterans (Grandpa, Dad, and two Uncles), I never really gave much thought to joining the military myself. This all changed one day when, out of the blue, one of my cousins came to me and said that he was going to talk to the Marine Corps recruiter and wanted me to drive him there. I agreed to drive him and, on the way to the recruiter, he told me about a “Buddy Program” in which we, supposedly, could enlist together and then be stationed together throughout our enlistment. Needless to say, this was probably not the most accurate information, but it sounded good to me.
Once we got to the recruiting station, I had already made up my mind that I needed a change in my life and was going to sign up if my cousin did since I was just wasting money at college and needed a break from schooling.
Bottom line: He did not sign up but I did.