The Christy Collection

Military Stories and Articles

Service Reflections of SP5 Michael Hall U.S. Army (1968-1976)

Service Reflections of SP5 Michael Hall U.S. Army (1968-1976)

I spent 8 years in the US Army and wanted to make a career out of it and retire. I began with Basic at Ft. Campbell, Ky., the coolest place I’d ever been to. Then, I took Advanced Infantry training at Ft. McLellan, Ala. This place was a mini Vietnam, as it had the highlands and swamps. Afterward, Ft. Benning, Ga., and on to Nam. After my tour, I ended up at Ft. Bragg, NC, and was sent to Parachute Rigging School in Virginia. Learning to pack your own chute was definitely a confidence builder! My direction changed when the military was converted to a voluntary unit while stationed at Ft. Bragg. Now you have people who couldn’t even read a map telling you where to jump from the Huey or whatnot. People were getting promoted for the wrong reasons, and I knew then my time was up.

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Famous Army Unit:  Easy Company, 506th Infantry Regiment

Famous Army Unit: Easy Company, 506th Infantry Regiment

Band of Brothers by historian Stephen Ambrose, and the 2001 HBO miniseries of the same name. One hundred forty men formed the original E Company in Camp Toccoa. A total of 366 men are listed as having belonged to the company by WWII's end due to transfers and replacements. Forty-nine soldiers of E Company were killed in action. E Company and the rest of the 506th PIR were disbanded in November 1945. It was reactivated in 1954 as a training unit. Under the Combat Arms Regimental System and U.S....

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WW2 – D-Day Landings: The 82nd and 101st Airborne

WW2 – D-Day Landings: The 82nd and 101st Airborne

The amphibious landings of D-Day were hours away when the first combat missions by the US Army started in France. The Normandy invasion, also called Operation Overlord or D-Day, began with a large-scale parachute drop that included 13,100 Soldiers of the 82nd and the 101st Airborne Divisions. During the night in the early hours of June 6th, 1944, the attack occurred and was the vanguard of the Allied operations in Normandy. What Was the Mission of the US 101st and 82nd Airborne...

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USS Midway Historic Aircraft Carrier & Naval Museum

USS Midway Historic Aircraft Carrier & Naval Museum

The USS Midway aircraft carrier is America’s most popular naval warship museum. Located in downtown San Diego, the museum is open 10am to 5pm 7 days a week, closing only for Thanksgiving and Christmas Day. The museum holds over 700 events a year, from Navy retirements and re-enlistments to changes of command. What is the USS Midway Known For? Commissioned after the culmination of World War II, the USS Midway was one of the longest-serving aircraft carriers of the 20th century. The United...

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