Which song do you connect most to your time in Military service? What specific memories does this song bring back for you?:

Song Connection: “Comfortably Numb” by Pink Floyd. Why: There’s an evocative power to “Comfortably Numb” that deeply resonates with my decade of service in the U.S. Coast Guard. The song speaks of transitions, of changes, and of coming to terms with realities. For me, it mirrors the transformative journey from a young, high-spirited recruit fresh out of high school to a seasoned Coast Guard member and, later, an IT professional, attributing my skills and discipline to the robust training and values instilled during my service in the Military. Specific Memories: Every time David Gilmour’s soulful guitar solos waft through the air, I’m transported back to moments just after a mission. Amidst the adrenaline rush of success and the weight of responsibility, there was also an inexplicable sense of peace, almost a comforting ‘numbness,’ knowing we’d given our best — “You have to go out, you don’t have to come back.” The song, in its profound depth, takes me to countless nights sailing beneath the Caribbean stars on the USCGC Dependable, where the vastness of the ocean would often make us contemplate life and our role in the grand tapestry of the nation’s defense.

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