I grew up listening to my dad’s war stories of WW II, fighting in the Pacific against the Japanese. My Dad was, and is my HERO. I wanted to be just like him. Wanting to do my part in the service of this great country. I grew up playing war games with my brothers and cousins in our back yard. Being a military man and of course the dress blues of the USMC that I saw one day in High School. DUTY, HONOR AND GOD, I belonged to JROTC unit in high school. We thought that it was our duty to stop the spread of communism in the world. The dress blues and the challenge of being the best fighting unit in the armed services. I trained as a Marine Sniper. Although when I got in-country, grunts were in need and not snipers. I participated in operation Utah Mesa; lower A Shau Valley search and destroy missions. I ran into an NVA patrol. This was my first firefight. There were 2 NVA KIA’s and 1 wounded. We suffered 1 wounded Marine. This was just one of many patrols that I went on. The Operation continued into Laos. We cut off supplies of the Ho Chi Minh trail. Georgia Tar, Hekiemer Mountain operations.
I would go on patrols and pull convoy duty watching over the SeaBee repairing HWY 1, receiving small arms fire during this encounter! I was sitting atop a hill in the lower Khe Sahn area and looking up at the night sky. The stars made me feel lonely and scared. We had incoming daily from the DMZ rockets, motors, and artillery shelling. It was constant harassment from the NVA. Although not considered to be a major operation, the loss of life tells another story. Operation Utah Mesa came at cost of 145 Marines killed and some 300 wounded. Victory doesn’t come easy, when you are the one looking for the enemy. During the Fall Counter-Offensive we were Heloed into Thua Thein Province near the Loation border for search and destroy. The operation took about 3 weeks in December of 1969. Here we encountered light enemy fire, but we captured rice, a small arms stash and disrupted the enemies supply line. Semper Fi’ MY EXPERT BADGE and SNIPER Qualification AND MY Combat Action Ribbon for the fire fights I participated in, were a true test of your metal and the Viet Nam Cross of Gallantry Medal.
Then there was the death of LCpl Seiler, June 27,1969 and the death of two other Marines PFC Huriank and CPL Mc Masters. He, Seiler, was a short timer killed 2 week before rotating back to the states. We had been talking just moments before his death. How precious life really was to us. I spent another two and half years more in the Corps and I got out.
I went back to being a meat ciutter in the private sector and after 16 years, I went to work at DeCA. I became a meat cutter and then into Management for the Defense Commissary Agency at Lackland Air Force Base, and a tour in Holland at an Army Base. It provided me with the drive to succeed. I supervised 20 employees and ran a department that did $4 million in sales a year. Stay the course, be committed, use team work, be dedicated and go for gold!