The Christy Collection

Military Stories and Articles

Capt. Larry L. Taylor, U.S. Army (1966–1971)

Capt. Larry L. Taylor, U.S. Army (1966–1971)

Larry Taylor's family had a long history of military service. His great-great-grandfather fought in the Civil War, his great-uncle fought in World War I, and his father and uncles served during World War II. When Larry attended the University of Tennessee in Knoxville, he joined the school's Reserve Officers Training Corps (ROTC) and carried on his family's longstanding military tradition.  Larry L. Taylor Begins His Journey in the Vietnam War When he began his studies in 1962, the United...

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Service Reflections of SSgt Tom Bauman, U.S. Air Force (1966-1970)

Service Reflections of SSgt Tom Bauman, U.S. Air Force (1966-1970)

I was attending Junior College part-time and working. In October 1965 I received my notice to appear for my pre-induction draft physical. To be honest, in spite of the fact that the Vietnam conflict was going on, I really had not given much thought to the military other than registering for the draft. I was in a fraternity and several of my friends had joined the Marine Reserves. This was just before things heated up and the first group of combat Marines landed in Da Nang. So I went down to sign up. The Marine recruiter told me that they were full up. So I decided to talk with the Navy recruiter. They had a delayed enlistment program. Meaning you could defer going on active duty for up to one year. So I decided to sign up.
In December 1965 I went to Navy Basic Training in San Diego. I was also required to attend weekend drills. After several months I was having second thoughts about serving Active Duty in the Navy. My best friend had joined the Air Force six months prior to my enlisting and liked it. He suggested that I see an Air Force recruiter. I took the AFQT and got 95 percentile across the board. The recruiter said that ALL technical training areas would be open to me. The only rub was that I had to be formally released from the Navy so I could join the Air Force. I got a release and I enlisted in August 1966 and went through Basic Training at Amarillo AFB.

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Vietnam War – Operation Ivory Coast – The Son Tay Raid

Vietnam War – Operation Ivory Coast – The Son Tay Raid

The Operation Ivory Coast has been called the most daring raid of the Vietnam War; Operation Ivory Coast was an effort to rescue prisoners of war who had been held by North Vietnam for years. It did not rescue any of the prisoners, but it did change the way U.S. Special Operations planned and executed its missions.  By 1970, the United States not only knew that hundreds of American POWs were being held by the communist North Vietnamese, but they also knew those prisoners were being subjected...

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DMSN Raul Herrera, U.S. Navy (1965-1969)

DMSN Raul Herrera, U.S. Navy (1965-1969)

What memorabilia/souvenirs have you kept from your military service? What special meaning do these have for you?:

Fifteen minutes after midnight on July 15, 1967, at the height of the Vietnam War, the crew of Swift Boat PCF-79 fulfilled the Operation Market Time mission by taking the lead role in the U.S. Navy’s historic Sa Ky River Victory. LT j.g. Edward J. Bergin received the “PER GRA” radio message from the on-scene commander granting permission to take the evading North Vietnamese gunrunner, code-named SKUNK ALPHA, under fire at the mouth of the Sa Ky River on the tip of the Batangan Peninsula, Quang Ngai Province, Republic of Vietnam.

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Service Reflections of TSgt Harry Walker, U.S. Air Force (1956 – 1976)

Service Reflections of TSgt Harry Walker, U.S. Air Force (1956 – 1976)

I came from a small textile town in North Carolina, and being poor, once a young person finishes school, the only work in that county is mostly the textile plants, and that is a dead-end job. I wanted to get away from that type of future. One day, I happened to be in town at the bus station, and I happened to notice an Air Force sergeant dressed in blues waiting for a bus. He was sharp-looking, and it made an impression on me that lasted. I lived pretty far from town and school, and I missed quite a lot of school days, which put me behind in my high school grades. Fortunately, my school had a counselor who had taken an interest in my situation and felt that my best option was the military. So, at 17, I talked my mother, who was a single mom raising a large family, into signing up for me to join the Air Force. That most certainly was the best decision I could have made. On January 3rd, 1956, I was on my way to Lackland for my basic training. I was a high school dropout, and my future looked bleak had I stayed in that town, but I was not sure it would have been much better to be uneducated in the military.In December 1965 I went to Navy Basic Training in San Diego. I was also required to attend weekend drills. After several months I was having second thoughts about serving Active Duty in the Navy. My best friend had joined the Air Force six months prior to my enlisting and liked it. He suggested that I see an Air Force recruiter. I took the AFQT and got 95 percentile across the board. The recruiter said that ALL technical training areas would be open to me. The only rub was that I had to be formally released from the Navy so I could join the Air Force. I got a release and I enlisted in August 1966 and went through Basic Training at Amarillo AFB.

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Service Reflections of DCCM Ron Coombs, U.S. Coast Guard (1976 – 1997)

Service Reflections of DCCM Ron Coombs, U.S. Coast Guard (1976 – 1997)

I grew up in the airline industry, and the Vietnam War was still going on. I wanted college, and the GI bill was the only way to get there, so I went service shopping down on 7th Street in Ft. Worth, Texas.
After talking with the Navy and Air Force, I stepped out a side door and saw a small fold-out sign that said “Coast Guard.” I had no idea what it was. Two men were crammed into a small room, and I would run into one again ten years later.
The helicopters caught my eye, and I signed up. I never did get into aviation, and it turns out I like ships. Who knew? I had no fear of boot camp (Alameda) until we were told we were all going on a ship heading for Vietnam. We didn’t go. The war ended, and we were sent out to save America.

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Service Reflections of COL Robert DeCubellis, U.S. Air Force (1968-2006)

Service Reflections of COL Robert DeCubellis, U.S. Air Force (1968-2006)

I had several friends who served in the Air Force, including Dick Berghorn and his K-9 Rommel at Pleiku AB. My uncle Ed served in the Air Corps in England in WW II, and my uncle Art served in the US Navy but didn’t get overseas before VJ Day.
As the Vietnam War began to spool up in the mid-’60s, I knew the draft would be hot on my tail as I was graduating college, so I decided to pick my own destiny versus being drafted. I also came from the baby boomer generation following WW II and knew the value of serving. When my grades slipped in 1966, I got tapped for a pre-induction physical in Minneapolis. It was right out of a scene from Arlo Guthrie’s “Alice’s Restaurant,” that’s popular every Thanksgiving….). I actually witnessed the USMC take inductees that day to fill their shortfall in enlistees.

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Condemned Property by “Dusty” Trimmer

Condemned Property by “Dusty” Trimmer

"Dusty" Trimmer served one year of combat infantry duty with the 25th Infantry Division. In this, his first book, he presents a staggering description that cut to the heart of the combat experience: the fear and belligerence, the quiet insights and raging madness, the lasting friendships and sudden deaths. Yet it is much, much more. It is an account of veterans long after leaving the battlefield as they struggle with physical and emotional damage in a world that seems indifferent to their...

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SSgt Salvatore Giunta, U.S. Army (2003-2011)

SSgt Salvatore Giunta, U.S. Army (2003-2011)

On October 19, 2007, American and Afghan forces loaded up onto UH-60 Black Hawk and CH-47 Chinook from Afghanistan's Korengal Outpost. The mission was Operation Rock Avalanche: an insertion into the southern area of the Korengal Valley to prevent Taliban fighters from fleeing the region while reducing their ability to operate against U.S. and friendly troops there. Salvatore Giunta: The Second Deployment to Afghanistan This was Salvatore Giunta's second deployment to Afghanistan. During his...

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White Buses by Jack DuArte

White Buses by Jack DuArte

During World War II, Sweden was sandwiched between Finland and its ongoing war with the Soviet Union and Norway, which fell to the Nazis in the earliest days of the war in Europe. Somehow, throughout the war, it managed to maintain its neutrality – but that doesn’t mean the country or its diplomats did nothing during that time.  The Lifeline in the Final Days of WWII A Swedish noble, Count Folke Bernadotte, was among the most active. He managed to negotiate a prisoner exchange, getting...

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National PTSD Awareness Day

National PTSD Awareness Day

If thoughts and feelings from a life-threatening event are upsetting you or causing problems in your life, you may have PTSD. According to the National Center for PTSD, post-traumatic stress disorder is a mental health condition that can occur after somebody has experienced a traumatic event. Going through a traumatic experience can actually affect areas of the brain, especially depending on when the trauma happened during development.  PTSD can occur in all people, of any ethnicity,...

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249th Birthday of the U.S. Army

249th Birthday of the U.S. Army

June 14, 2024, marks a significant milestone as we celebrate the birthday of the United States Army. This day is an opportunity to reflect on the rich history, bravery, and enduring spirit of one of the most storied military forces in the world. The U.S. Army has played a crucial role in shaping the nation's history, defending its freedoms, and promoting peace globally. Historical Beginnings of the U.S. Army The United States Army was officially established on June 14, 1775, by the Continental...

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