The following Reflection represents BM3 Aaron Wayne’s legacy of their military service from 1964 to 1968. If you are a Veteran, consider preserving a record of your own military service, including your memories and photographs, on (TWS), the leading archive of living military history. The Service Reflections is an easy-to-complete self-interview, located on your TWS Military Service Page, which enables you to remember key people and events from your military service and the impact they made on your life.
What Was Your Most Memorable Xmas From Your Military Service? What Made It So Memorable?
My first child, Cindy, was born on December 24, 1967. On Christmas Day I went to see my new daughter and to give my wife Shelley a watch that I had bought her for Christmas. On December 27, the USS Yorktown left for the 1968 WestPac cruise that was to become a part of the history books. First to San Diego, then on to Hawaii. When we were a few days out of Pearl Harbor on our way to Yokosuka, Japan, we received the news about the capture of the USS Pueblo and were informed that we were now headed for the Sea of Japan.
Shelley sent letters with news from home and pictures of Cindy, which I carried with me most of the time.
One day, “General Quarters, all hands man your battle stations!” sounded but was not followed by the usual “This is a drill.” Instead, the chilling announcement was: “This is NOT a drill.” A Russian ‘Bear’ bomber was headed straight at us! As I ran to my station, I checked my pocket for the most recent letter and picture of Cindy.

The Yorktown and her carrier group were the first American warships to reach the station. During the next month and a half, we froze: we did not have enough real foul-weather gear for everyone. I remember all hands not on watch being called to shovel snow off of the flight deck. I also thought that this was one of the reasons that I left Wyoming to join the Navy in the first place! After what had seemed an eternity, we sailed for Vietnam, leaving sub-freezing temperatures for 100-degree weather and humidity that sucked the life right out of you. I often took Cindy’s picture out of my pocket and smiled despite what my shipmates and I were going through.
When, finally, our tour was over, we reached Long Beach and snuggled up to Pier Echo. My mother and father-in-law were waiting in their car with Shelley and Cindy. I climbed into the back seat with Shelley, and my mother-in-law handed me my daughter to hold for the first time. I hugged Cindy close and as babies will do, she promptly turned to the front of whites and them yellow.
Now, fifty-eight years later, Cindy has blessed us with grandchildren. But what I still remember after all these years is that Christmas day when I handed Shelley her present, and she looked up and said: “But I didn’t get you anything!”
Yes, you did, Darling, yes you did!

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