The following Reflection represents CPT Ellen Brabo’s legacy of their military service from 2015 to 2020. If you are a Veteran, consider preserving a record of your own military service, including your memories and photographs, on (TWS), the leading archive of living military history. The Service Reflections is an easy-to-complete self-interview, located on your TWS Military Service Page, which enables you to remember key people and events from your military service and the impact they made on your life.
What Favorite Automobile Did You Own During Your Military Service? What Special Memories Does This Bring Back For You?
During my military service in Germany from 2017 to 2020, I was the proud owner of a BMW X1 Sport, a sleek white beauty with red and black interior that I affectionately named “Betty the Beamer,” after the legendary Betty White. Betty wasn’t just a car; she was my trusted companion on countless adventures and a vessel of unforgettable memories.

Betty and I burned rubber across Europe, taking in the beauty and culture of different countries. I frequently drove to Belgium to visit my former NCOIC and his family on weekends, navigating winding roads that cut through picturesque landscapes. Betty was there for every special occasion, like when my best friend from college and I celebrated our birthdays together during a road trip through Italy. Or when I journeyed to Prague to mark my promotion with friends and family, Betty’s engine humming proudly as I crossed borders with a grin on my face. She even took me on an emotional ride to Switzerland to shop for my wedding dress with my closest friend, another LT. Each trip was more than just a drive; it was a chance to experience life in ways I’ll never forget.

Of course, owning Betty wasn’t always smooth sailing. There was the time we got a flat tire in a remote Swiss village, trying to figure out how to rent a car and find a tow in an area where few people spoke English. Betty also broke down on a return trip from celebrating my promotion to Captain in the Czech Republic. Instead of letting the situation bring us down, my friends and I spent the day in a KFC, pulling out board games that had been stashed in Betty’s trunk, laughing while we waited for a cross-country tow service to come to the rescue.
Betty also played a crucial role in my duties. She hauled birch trees and decorations for a Brigade Ball, was stuffed to the brim with balloons for Family Readiness Group events, and dutifully transported my peers and me to early morning PT sessions. No matter the task or destination, Betty was there, handling it all with grace and a bit of flair.
When my time in Germany came to an end and COVID-19 prevented me from bringing Betty back to the U.S., I knew it was time to say goodbye. In 2020, I collected my DD214 and sold her to another family, passing along not just a car, but a legacy of adventures and memories that I will always cherish.
Betty the Beamer may have been just a vehicle, but to me, she was the essence of freedom, camaraderie, and exploration. Every journey with her was a chapter in my story, and I wouldn’t change a single mile.

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