While the United States military and coalition forces prepared for the imminent battle with Iraq’s military forces, Operation Desert Storm, January of 1991, a second international crisis unfolded in the famine-stricken country of Somalia, where a full-scale bloody civil war erupted. Warlord General Mohammad Farah Aideed rebel forces were attempting to overthrow the Somali government. The fighting threatened Americans and Foreign diplomatic missions based in Mogadishu, Somalia, as the Somali government was collapsing under the weight of the bloody civil war. This is an incredible story that has not been told of heroism in the face of chaos and uncertainty. The story was simply lost because it occurred in the immediate lead-up to Operation Desert Storm and hardly received any media attention.

On January 2, 1991, Italian officials in Mogadishu made a fruitless effort to arrange a cease-fire among the factions. When this effort failed, U.S. ambassador James K. Bishop realized that he didn’t have many options left, and on that day, January 2, 1991, he made the call to Washington D.C. to be rescued. Ambassador Bishop’s message was clear and straight to the point. “If a U.S. military rescue force does not arrive in time, there will be no one to rescue”…
This is the untold story and true events of Operation Eastern Exit.

About the Author of Night Mission to Mogadishu
Trent LaLand grew up in Indianapolis, Indiana. He graduated from Arsenal Tech High School in June of 1982.
In December of 1982, Trent enlisted in the Marine Corps, and in April of 1983, he shipped out to Boot Camp, Marine Corps Recruit Depot San Diego, California. In his journey in the Marine Corps, he traveled all over the world.
In August 1990, he was deployed to Operation Desert Shield with Charlie Company, 1st Battalion 2nd Marines, 4th Marine Expeditionary Brigade, embarked on the amphibious assault ship U.S.S. Guam (LPH-9)

Trent shares the true events of Operation Eastern Exit in his book titled “Night Mission to Mogadishu.”
Trent LaLand is a licensed Minister and a member of New Beginnings Fellowship Church in Indianapolis, Indiana. He works at R.T. Moore in Indianapolis, Indiana as a warehouse associate. Indianapolis is the place he calls home..
The book is available through Amazon. Paper Back $10.75, Kindle Edition $4.50
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Operation Eastern Exit was executed on a short notice. The amphibious helicopter assault ship U.S.S. Guam (LPH 9) and the U.S.S. Trenton (LPD 14) was diverted from Operation Desert Shield to execute the rescue mission. A ground rescue force of 51 U.S. Marines and 9 Navy Seals from Seal Team 8 reached the U.S. embassy, Mogadishu Somalia in a 72 hour time frame just in the nick of time as hostile Somalia forces had placed ladders on the compound walls preparing to assault the embassy. U.S. ambassador to Somalia James K Bishop using his experience and great leadership went above and beyond not just to save American lives but as many as he could before the ground rescue force arrived. The final phase of the rescue mission was carried out under the cover of darkness resulting in the rescue of 281 men, women, and children from over 30 countries.