Incredible Military Stories
Service Reflections of ET2 David E. Hendrick, U.S. Coast Guard (1960-1964)

Service Reflections of ET2 David E. Hendrick, U.S. Coast Guard (1960-1964)

I was in high school at the time of Pearl Harbor. I had never heard of Pearl Harbor and didn’t know where it was. That was true for many of my friends, but we sure found out quickly. We all became Gung Ho and were ready to enlist; however, we had a couple of months left before graduation, so I opted to finish school. Many of my friends did enlist, going into the US Army Air Corps to become pilots. That was my desire also, but my father said “NO.” He was in the First World War, captured by the Germans, and gassed. He was shot, and he lost three fingers on his left hand.

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Dealing with a Departed Loved One’s finances

Dealing with a Departed Loved One’s finances

Losing a loved one is never easy, and handling their financial matters can be overwhelming during a time of grief. Taking the right steps—such as notifying financial institutions, initiating probate and filing beneficiary claims—can help ensure a smooth transition. Veterans’ families may also be eligible for important benefits. Learn how to navigate this process with confidence and support on USAA.

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Pershing and His Pig’s Blood Bullets

Pershing and His Pig’s Blood Bullets

It might be difficult today to imagine the United States as a true colonial power, but in the years following the 1898 Spanish-American War, the U.S. became a major global power. The idea of American Imperialism crept into the public consciousness for the first time. During the war, the United States captured several key Spanish possessions, including Puerto Rico, Guam, and the Philippines.  The War in the Philippines At first, it looked as if the U.S. was fighting to grant the...

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Cpl William (Bill) Ralph Blass, U.S. Army (1943-1945)

Cpl William (Bill) Ralph Blass, U.S. Army (1943-1945)

William (or Bill) Ralph Blass who served in the US Army between 1943 and 1945 is better known for his contributions to the fashion industry. However, his efforts during World War II are as remarkable as they are unusual. William Ralph Blass was born on June 22 1922, in Fort Wayne, Indiana. His father was a traveling salesman, his mother a dressmaker. Sadly, Blass’ father committed suicide when Bill was 5. Bill took after his mother, sketching Hollywood-inspired fashions in the margins of his...

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WW2 – The Battle of Iwo Jima

WW2 – The Battle of Iwo Jima

The year 2025 will mark the 80th anniversary of the World War II Battle of Iwo Jima, one of the most storied contests in American military history. Many are familiar with the myriad stories surrounding the battle, from the two flag raisings over Mount Suribachi to any of the 27 men who received the Medal of Honor for their actions on the island. What fails to get a mention in history books is the sheer scale of the battle itself and the defensive planning of the enemy's commander. The...

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Bullets in My Bottom Drawer: The Lighter Side of Combat by John Montalbano

Bullets in My Bottom Drawer: The Lighter Side of Combat by John Montalbano

For some, finding humor in war and combat might seem to make light of a very heavy situation. Some might even find it offensive. But those of us who have served in combat know that humor, even dark humor, is sometimes the only way to break the tension, ease the pain, and build the camaraderie that comes with fighting in a war.  John Montalbano, a retired Vietnam veteran who was drafted into the Army in 1967, would not only agree that humor is important, even in war, but he literally wrote...

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Gulf War – The Lightning in Desert Storm (1991)

Gulf War – The Lightning in Desert Storm (1991)

The Screaming Eagles of the 101st Airborne were among the first soldiers deployed to Saudi Arabia following Iraq's invasion of Kuwait in August of 1990. Before Operation Desert Storm Roughly six months later, the storied division would launch an unprecedented airborne assault taking them over 150 miles (241 kilometers) behind enemy lines and within 100 miles (161 kilometers) of the Iraqi capital, Baghdad. In 1990, a coalition of forces from around the world, headed by the United States,...

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5 Legendary Heroes of the U.S. Air Force

5 Legendary Heroes of the U.S. Air Force

We all know the Marine Corps celebrates its birthday in a big way, but that doesn't mean the other branches aren't worth celebrating. The United States Air Force was created after President Harry S. Truman signed the National Security Act of 1947. On September 18, 1947, W. Stuart Symington became Secretary of the Air Force, making September 18 the service's official birthday. In honor of its 77th birthday, let's take a look at some of the airmen who shaped the history and development of the...

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SgtMaj Daniel J. Daly, U.S. Marine Corps (1899–1929)

SgtMaj Daniel J. Daly, U.S. Marine Corps (1899–1929)

Only two Marines have received the Medal of Honor for two separate actions: Maj. Gen Smedley Butler and SgtMaj. Daniel J. Daly. And you know it has to mean something when Butler called Daly "the fightingest Marine I ever knew." SgtMaj Daniel J. Daly and the Boxer Rebellion Daly served in the Marine Corps for 30 years, seeing every major Marine Corps campaign between 1899 and 1929. Growing up in New York City as a slender youth, he had to be tough; he even became a semi-pro boxer before joining...

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Sort Out Your Estate Plans

Sort Out Your Estate Plans

Estate planning is not just for the wealthy—it is for anyone who wants to ensure their wishes are honored and their loved ones are protected. Without proper planning, families can face legal battles, financial burdens, and uncertainty. From drafting a will to setting up trusts and medical directives, having the right documents in place can provide peace of mind. Learn why estate planning is essential and how to get started today on USAA.

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Service Reflections of EM3 Don R. Marino, U.S. Navy (1955-1959)

Service Reflections of EM3 Don R. Marino, U.S. Navy (1955-1959)

I wanted to get the GI Bill before it was no longer available. I was sworn in on Jan 31, 1955, at 6 pm. GI Bill ended on Jan 31, 1955, at midnight. Went aboard the USS Piedmont AD17, a Destroyer Tender right out of Boot Camp. I had a choice of working in the Ice Machine Shop (too cold, I thought), Engine Room (too noisy and hot, I thought), Boiler Room (way too hot, I thought), or the Ships Company Electric Shop, perfect, I thought, and I was right. I loved the electric shop in junior high and High School. This put me on a path that helped me find and keep jobs all my life. I went through Boot Camp in San Diego. My Company 092 graduated with Brigade Honors. I spent 1 1/2 years aboard the USS Piedmont and did a 6months tour overseas. I spent 2 days in Hawaii on our way to Sasebo, Japan. After 2 months there, we sailed to Hong Kong for 2 weeks R&R. After Hong Kong, we returned to Sasebo for another month, then off to Subic Bay for a few months.

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Soldier and Writer
Lt Col Michael Christy (USA) Ret.

Many articles contained in this Blog were written by Together We Served’s former Chief Editor, Lt Col Michael Christy, and published in TWS’s Dispatches Newsletter.

Lt Col Christy’s military career spanned 26 years, beginning in 1956 when he joined the U.S. Marine Corps. Following two years active duty, he spent another two years in the U.S. Marine Corps Reserves. In 1962, he joined the Army National Guard and in 1966 was called up for active duty with the U.S. Army. After an 18 year distinguished Army career, Lt Col Christy retired from military service in 1984.
Lt Col Christy saw action in Vietnam with Special Forces Units, including the renowned Delta Force, and was awarded two Silver Stars, six Bronze Stars (three with Valor), and two Purple Hearts.
As a military consultant and accomplished writer, Lt Col Christy has contributed to several TV military documentaries, including those found on the History Channel, plus significant military history publications, including Vietnam Magazine.