Rucksack Grunt author Robert Kuhn served in the US Army between 1970 and 1972 in the 1st Battalion, 22nd Infantry. He ventured out of the suburbs of Pennsylvania into the dangerous jungles and mountains of Vietnam’s Central Highlands. In his book, Kuhn details the traumatic and even disturbing encounters he experienced as a ‘rucksack-carrying grunt’ on his tour of duty. Vietnam vets and those who love them alike have found common ground and insight in Kuhn’s writing.

Kuhn was just a naive high school kid when he proposed to his high school sweetheart. His decision to seek out the means of obtaining an education and a job capable of supporting his fiancee would send him across the world and shape his life for decades to come. Rucksack Grunt is the result of a lifetime reckoning with that decision and its consequences.

Reader Responses to Rucksack Grunt
“Excellent! I went through it page by page, read the whole thing and loved it. Your story means a lot to me personally because so much of it is an experience of a time and place I shared. But that shared experience is not the only reason I like your story. You did such a good job of writing this, you really should publish it. If you have an extra copy of your book and with your permission, we would like it to be included in the 22nd Infantry Regiment Society archives.”
~ Michael Belis, Sergeant C 1/22 Infantry 1970-1971

“Your story is a VERY good story and down to earth so that the reader can relate to it. Nothing better than a story you can put yourself into. I like when you finish a chapter, you want to go on to the next one to find out what happens next.”
~ Author Frank P. Ferraro
About the Author of Rucksack Grunt

A recipient of the Combat Infantryman Badge, alongside the Bronze Star and Army Commendation Medals he received for meritorious service, Kuhn has battled service-connected issues and ailments in the decades since his service, and is now a life member of the DAV (Disabled American Veterans). He also volunteers with the VA, health permitting. Born, raised, and residing in southwestern Pennsylvania, Kuhn fishes, shoots, and restores classic motorcycles when he isn’t writing (you can find his Vietnam vet blog here). He finished writing Rucksack Grunt in 2011, but has waited until 2021 to publish.