The following Reflections represents SP 5 Charles V. Roger’s Jr. legacy of his military service from 1971 to 1975. If you are a Veteran, consider preserving a record of your own military service, including your memories and photographs, on (TWS), the leading archive of living military history. The following Service Reflections is an easy-to-complete self-interview, located on your TWS Military Service Page, which enables you to remember key people and events from your military service and the impact they made on your life. Start recording your own Military Memories HERE.
Please describe who or what influenced your decision to join the Army?

Several things made me choose my military service. I guess it’s the old cliche? I wanted to serve my country, mainly because my Dad did during WWII. It was my birthday in 1971 that I decided to enlist. My draft number was up, so it would only be a matter of time. I went to the recruiter and signed up for the US Army on the delayed entry program. I think it was September 30, 1971. I wanted to fly, but wearing glasses was going to prevent me from doing that. I picked the Army because my Dad had served, and I didn’t want to go into the Navy, Air Force, or Marines. The Army offered the best chance because they might have lifted the restriction on glasses if things hadn’t changed. While I was at the AFESS, and we were being processed, a Marine Sergeant came out and pointed to me and several others and said we were now Marines. I tried to object, and thankfully, an Army Sergeant came out and said no, can’t have him, he’s RA. I looked at the Army and Air Force, and it seemed my best chance to do what I wanted while serving was to join the Army. If I couldn’t be a pilot, I might still be able to fly as a crew member. I worked in a car dealership and had mechanics down pretty well, so I figured I had a little jump in the aviation maintenance department.
The Air Force and Navy were a little more structured on that subject, and I wanted to learn all there was on aircraft, not just a certain section of them. I got what I was looking for until I wound up in a motor pool in an Aviation Company in Germany. I made E-5 Jan 74, so that was a nice perk of the Army as well. After two years in Germany, I went back to the States for 9 months due to an extension for promotion to E-5. Ft. Carson was great. It was back in aviation that I was trained to work on no flight crew, but still a chance. Re-enlistment came, no bonus, wife who hated the Army life, and I left in 75. Back to my job as a mechanic
Whether you were in the service for several years or as a career, please describe the direction or path you took. Where did you go to basic training, and what units, bases, or squadrons were you assigned to? What was your reason for leaving?

I joined to work and possibly fly helicopters or airplanes. I had a few times in my introduction to the Army that it may not come about. At my AFESS, a Marine Sergeant tried to get me for the Marine Corps, but I had enlisted in the Army, and that was changed fast. During basic, I was tasked to drive a truck to transport troops to and from the different ranges at Ft. Jackson. Therefore, I was concerned I may not be able to go where I was hoping, but that worked out.
While at my AIT at Ft. Eustis, I began to feel good as I was in the Helicopter repairman class on the CH-47 Chinook. Now, I was stoked and figured this was the right path for me. Everything was looking good for my future in the Army.
Then I went to Germany. There, my future looked bleak again. I was sent to an Aviation Battalion with Helicopters, Chinooks, Hueys, Cobra, and OH-58s, so I figured I had landed in a good place, but when I received orders for my assignment and was told to report to the CH-54 on the airfield and met my new CO. I was going to a Skycrane unit. All of the guys in my AIT class who went to Germany got split up into different units in Germany. After getting to the 295th, I was told there was no room for me there either, and my options were guard duty, the mess hall, or the Motor pool. So, I spent 2 years in the motor pool as a TAMM’s clerk in Germany. When I came to the realization that I wasn’t going to make the maintenance platoon to move up to the flight platoon, I had the option to get a promotion; the trouble is, I was not working in my primary MOS. I had to change MOS. So, I changed it to 63B20, Wheeled Vehicle Mechanic, and got my promotion to E-5.
Then, when it came time for me to leave Germany, I was called to the XO’s office, and he asked me where I wanted to be assigned. Anywhere in the States, as long as it wasn’t Ft. Carson or Hawaii, again fate had stepped in; maybe now I could get where I wanted when I enlisted. And that almost didn’t happen either. When I got to Ft. Carson, I was being reassigned to an Armor unit, and during my rotation to get settled in the unit, I ran into the CO. He asked me if I would be interested in working on helicopters. I told him I most certainly did, and he made a phone call. The next thing I knew, I was assigned the 179th Aviation Co at the airfield on Ft. Carson. The 179th was a Chinook unit, just reforming at Ft. Carson from Viet Nam. Finally, I thought. I was assigned to the maintenance platoon and settled in to finish my time. As I had a promotion and was married with a dependent, I had to extend it 6 month’s.
When the time came for me to exit the Army, I had to see the reenlistment Sergent to sign out. The Vietnam War was really over, and the people that were in aviation were going to be without a job, and the Army was discharging Officers anyway. They offered no bonus for reenlistment, and my wife said she was tired of the Army life; I left the Army with my honorable discharge on the last day, Feb 75.
I enjoyed most of my time in the Army, but it was time to go home. I had a good time, met good folks, became good friends, and learned a good trade, but again, I couldn’t find a job working on helicopters. I went back to work in the dealerships I had left to join the Army.
If you participated in any military operations, including combat, humanitarian, and peacekeeping operations, please describe those that made a lasting impact on you and, if life-changing, in what way?

Nothing spectacular was experienced during my tours. We flew to Burches Garten to resupply troops on R&R there. I went to repair a 3/4 ton vehicle we had that had a problem. I fixed that and returned the same day. It was really wild to see that. Also, one evening, we flew to Frankfurt to attend a dinner that had Hanna Reight as a guest speaker. She was a test pilot for the Luftwaffe in WWII. The first person to fly inside a building in a helicopter as a demonstration for Hitler. She was also Hitler’s personal pilot when he was to be flown somewhere to keep him out of danger. She became a member of the world-renowned 99s. We also went to the Sikorski aircraft factory where the CH-53 was assembled for the Luftwaffe in Germany. All of these were to strengthen the relations between the U.S. and Germany. Our airfield also hosted the sports car races on the airfield a couple of years ago, and we had a concession stand set up to sell food and drinks to all who attended. That was a lot of fun. The airfield was also hosted by a glider club on the weekends. We could watch them flying all weekend, and they still do that to this day.
Did you encounter any situation during your military service when you believed there was a possibility you might not survive? if so, please describe what happened and what was the outcome.

The only situation I was involved in was the Munich Olympic Hostage event, which put us on alert for about a month or two, and we had to guard our aircraft at night with our weapons but no ammunition. We were supposed to yell, I guess. I didn’t know who would hear us. However, one night, a Cav unit lost an OH-58. It was burnt to the ground. They finally charged a drunk soldier for that.
Of all your duty stations or assignments, which one do you have fondest memories of and why? Which was your least favorite?

I was working at a local Chevrolet dealership. I was coming up on my 21st birthday and was also watching the news about the end of the Vietnam conflict. My selective service numbers were very low, so I decided to enlist instead of becoming a draftee. I always wanted to fly, but with glasses, that wasn’t going to happen. So, I joined the Army and took the next best thing, becoming an aircraft repair mechanic. Basic and AIT were OK, but once I made it to Germany and spent a few months there, I brought my wife over. These were the best two years I spent in the military. We explored German history and the countryside as best we could with a trip to Holland. Wonderful time. The unit I was with was great. I lived about 1/2 mile from the Rhine River, so I walked there all the time, and I also lived across from the train station in the little town of Budenhiem. The 295th Avn Co was the only CH-54 Skycrane unit in Europe. It had a mix of new and older personnel. Of course, those older guys were from Vietnam with stories to tell. When my time was up, two years, I was going back to the States and wound up in Colorado with a Chinook unit.
I enjoyed this unit as well, but I was only there for 9 months. I had extended my enlistment to get promoted to E-5 and had to change my MOS from 67U20 to get that, as well as working in the motor pool. Aviation people weren’t needed when I got to Germany, with a choice of mess hall, guard duty, or Motor pool. I was assigned to the 179th Avn Co, Chinooks. They were reforming after Vietnam. I soon found myself in a situation of being assigned to a mechanized unit by the Post personnel office. However, the CO of this unit saw my 67U20 and wanted to know if I would like to be there instead. Of course, and I spent the last 9 months working where I should have when I went to Germany. I probably would have re-enlisted if my wife wasn’t tired of the Army life and no re-enlistment bonus, so I left in 75. I enjoyed Germany the most; I had several interesting things happen. We had sports car races on our field; we went to a diner in Frankfurt with Hanna Reitsch as a guest speaker. The CH-53 German factory was there as well. I got to make a flight to Berchtesgaden by helicopter. There was a glider club flying from our airfield every weekend. That was the best time when in the Army being in Germany.
From your entire military service, describe any memories you still reflect back on to this day.

During the evenings, I could catch flights with crews doing recurrency or special flights. Maybe a check ride or a familiar flight, and I’d have to get a flight suit and helmet to use, which were supplied by the supply folks. I just had to clear the ride with all the crew members of the flight. I worked the motor pool, yet was able to show I was interested in flying. We would just fly the pattern or do some procedures and even just joy rides to get current. All the officers in the unit were pilots, so it was easy to get them to approve this. One evening, we flew up and down the Rhine River in the Mainz area in a Huey. I sure enjoyed that and look back on those special times as fulfilling my desire to fly. The trip to Burches Garten, flying through the Alps in that big helicopter, was a blast.
What professional achievements are you most proud of from your military career?

Again, I didn’t do anything to really call it outstanding. Still, I do recall an incident that proved I was doing my job and was given the opportunity to prove it to my C.O. We had our annual Inspector General’s review. We had just got our new Motor Officer, and he was a hard-ass, demanding Captain. I was doing my record keeping and had passed the previous inspection with flying colors. This Captain decided he was going to change the way I did my record keeping and had me do things not up to the demands of the Army. I had no choice but to do as he said, which I did. When we didn’t pass the inspection, I got called into the C.O.’s Office. He wanted to know what had happened. I explained to him how this new Captain was causing a ruckus in the motor pool and interfered with my record keeping. We were given the chance to get a second chance at this inspection. He wanted to know if I could pass it. I advised him that I thought I could keep this Captain out of my hair. He half-jokingly said if I did, he’d see about keeping him out of my hair from here on out. Well, he did, and we did. The C.O. kept his promise, and that Captain was transferred out of the unit. I guess he was having problems somewhere else with him. I’m assuming he was one of those officers who just can’t seem to fit in with the unit.
Still, I felt I had proved I knew my job and could do it to the satisfaction of my unit’s mission and the Army. While stationed with the 179th Avn Co. in Colorado, I was assigned to the flight line repair squad. We would assist with any minor maintenance to aircraft that didn’t need to go into the hanger for more detailed repair. Mostly repairs to in-service flying aircraft. My first assignment there was to assist in replacing all the rotor blades on a Super-C that had made a high-speed pass the day before, and all the blades had slung oil over everywhere. We changed them out fairly quickly, and of course, we had to track the blades after that. First time for me to do that. Anyway, we had a ship that developed slight vibrations and weird flying difficulties after a transmission change. We were assigned the job of rigging the flight controls on this aircraft and checking things out. We did this as instructed by the manuals, and after the test flight, the pilot returned and said this was the best flying helicopter; he had flown and was more than happy with the way this one flew.
Of all the medals, awards, formal presentations, qualification badges you received, or other memorabilia, which one is the most meaningful to you and why?

Due to my Army experience as an Army-trained helicopter mechanic, I was able to take both Airframe and Powerplant rating tests. The other branches were training their troops in one or the other. This was about eight years after leaving the Army. I became an airport manager and maintained flight school and other local GA aircraft.
Which individual(s) from your time in the military stand out as having the most positive impact on you and why?

Of all the people in the units I was in, I held the most respect for my Company Commanders and a maintenance platoon sergeant I had at Ft. Carson. Time has taken some names and time periods. But I became friends with my CO, and he even had me doing mechanical work on his private vehicle. He had come to me after we had failed an IG inspection. He asked me why we had failed it, and I told him the new motor officer we had was making me do this altogether differently. He asked if I could fix it. I told him I could if this Officer wasn’t bothering me. He said he’d take care of that, and if we passed, he’d see about getting us another Motor Officer. I did, and he did. That officer was gone about a week later. The crews at Finthen were good at allowing me to fly with them and sometimes in place of them on flights.
While processing at Ft. Carson, I met the CO of that unit, an Armored unit, who saw I was in the wrong unit and transferred me to the 179th at the airfield there at Carson. Also, my platoon sergeant at Ft. Carson and I had a few things in common: car racing was one. He had made me the lead on flight line aircraft maintenance, but as I was leaving Ft. Carson, he told me that I would achieve anything I wanted.
List the names of old friends you served with, at which locations, and recount what you remember most about them. indicate those you are already in touch with and those you would like to make contact with.

John Henderson. He and I hit it off after my assignment to the unit. He remained a friend until my departure in 74. Also, Robertson was also a big help and friend during my time in Germany. He had some experience with the local customs, which helped when venturing off base. Two guys I went through AIT with separated only because of the Army’s overstaffing units in Germany. Curtis Jasper Tenney, and Weaver. We were split up at Swabishe Hall when we arrived in Germany. They went to a Huey unit, I to a crane unit. I have made contact with Tenney once since he retired.
I also contacted John Henderson by phone last year. We haven’t talked since, but I truly enjoyed that phone call. Also, I did have several contacts during my Convention visits with the Viet Nam Helicopter Association. Ken Nye (deceased now), a Seargent Gargolus and a Spec 6. I can’t remember his name, but he and I did know each other when stationed in Germany. I have also made contact with a pilot of the unit in Germany, Colonel (Captain then) Max Torrence. He and I have talked by phone and email on several occasions. I wish I had known him while in Germany; he was a hell of a nice guy. Social media helps some, as several of the people I was with have conversations today online. Of course, my motor Sergeant Staff Sergeant Mulnar. He was given power of attorney on my car when I left Germany never heard from him again.
I had a couple of friends of the 179th Avn Co. Ft. Carson, Sergeant Mixon (deceased), and another Sergeant; I can’t remember his name, who used to race on dirt tracks. He was my squad, Sergeant. He was really a good guy as well.
Can you recount a particular incident from your service, which may or may not have been funny at the time, but still makes you laugh?

I joined the US Army in May of 71 during the closing of Vietnam hostilities due to my numbers being up, and I wanted some say about where and how I served. I entered the delayed entry program, so. Therefore, it was the first all-volunteer unit at Ft. Jackson. My time at Jackson was memorable as my age and history of prior service landed me a job as a truck driver to transport troops to the ranges during the day.
Therefore, I missed out on lots of marching to these areas. I had been home on a weekend pass, and during my attempt to get back, my cousin gave me a ride to Ft. Jackson on a Sunday evening. Well, we made it about 10 miles, and the transmission went out in his car. There I was, no other way except to walk and thumb. Somewhere in North Carolina, the guy who picked me up fell asleep at the wheel, and we wound up off the road with no damage to the car. We continued, and when we got to Ft. Jackson, let me out outside the base, and I walked into my unit in time for the day’s activities. I managed to survive that day, but I sure slept well that night. Thank goodness I didn’t have guard duty that night. I didn’t go back home again until after I was transferred to Ft. Eustis, where I could drive my own car. It was strange that things worked out for me that night. It could have been disastrous.
What profession did you follow after your military service and what are you doing now? If you are currently serving, what is your present occupational specialty?

After leaving the Army, I attempted to find a job at the local airport and even the Army Reserve and Guard units. No jobs in aviation are available. After about five years, I decided to do something about my flying. I worked in a Chevrolet dealership and was doing well enough to start flying lessons. I earned my PPSEL certificate in Sept 81. I stayed connected with the flight school by doing odd jobs and helping out with things for them. The fun thing about flying was going where you wanted to go. After getting my license, I started flying to my wife’s parents’ place in another County.
The airport there was being poorly run. Things were going on, and people were very disgruntled. The owner of the flight school was looking for a place to move to, and after getting in touch with the city’s judge near the airport, he decided to apply to become the FBO flight school for the airport. He had a banner towing operation as well, and I did some banner flying as well to help build hours. I had an FAA representative sign me off on doing this as a private pilot. But we were missing something. I could take airplanes apart and put them together but couldn’t sign them off. The owner asked what I needed to get my A&P certificate. I told him all I needed was a refresher and take the test. He sent me to a special school in Tennessee to do this and earned my A&P. Because of my military training and work, I was able to accomplish this. I ended up managing this airport for six years. During this time, I was doing annual inspections and 100 hrs on the new flight schools’ aircraft. I got to do this for about six years when I found a new passion, EMS. I felt I needed to do more, and this airport stuff was getting too rich for me. I started working as an EMT and took a full-time job with the county. With their directions, I left the airport to work full-time there. I worked in EMS for 32 years. After working as an EMT for 4 years, I decided I needed more challenges, so I went to school again and obtained my Paramedic certificate. I worked the trucks for 20 years and decided to retire. While working the trucks, I took another job as a medical Command Communicator at a large hospital system and moved there. While there, I was responsible for dispatching EMS Helicopters for 6 years. I became an EMS Telecommunicator, working for a large EMS aircraft company, Air Methods, and performing regular duties for the hospital. The military training and experience I received helped me through my lifetime as it had me doing things that I set my mind to.
In what ways has serving in the military influenced the way you have approached your life and your career? What do you miss most about your time in the service?

It has shown me I can achieve anything I set my mind to. It has given me the drive to do what I want, explore different things, and not be afraid of just doing it. I still had the desire to fly. The military hadn’t totally fulfilled that dream of mine, so I finally found a way to start flying lessons, earned my private pilot’s certificate and A@P certificates, and became an airport manager.
I went on to enter emergency medical services and was a Paramedic for over 20 years. I retired from that job, which I thoroughly enjoyed. I miss the military way things are done. It’s that way and no other. You are allowed to show you are making the job better in the military, as long as it is right and safe.
Based on your own experiences, what advice would you give to those who have recently joined the army?

My grandson joined the Army Reserve last year, and I gave him the only advice I could think of. Do what you’re told, don’t talk back, and learn all you can about the military. Take advantage of what the military has to offer. You can make a career in the military if you get what you are comfortable with and excited about. It’s a good life.
In what ways has helped you remember your military service and the friends you served with.

It has brought back some very good memories, and I have enjoyed going back and remembering what I did as a young person. I can reflect that I did some good and some wrong things in my life, but I’m still happy with how things have turned out.
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