Band of Brothers by historian Stephen Ambrose, and the 2001 HBO miniseries of the same name. One hundred forty men formed the original E Company in Camp Toccoa. A total of 366 men are listed as having belonged to the company by WWII's end due to transfers and replacements. Forty-nine soldiers of E Company were killed in action. E Company and the rest of the 506th PIR were disbanded in November 1945. It was reactivated in 1954 as a training unit. Under the Combat Arms Regimental System and U.S. Army Regimental System, Easy Company's lineage and history is carried on as Alpha "Easy" Company, 2-506 Infantry, in Third Brigade Combat Team, "Rakkasan" of the 101st Airborne Division. "Currahee" was the cry of the 506th paratroopers as they cleared the door on their first jump, and it continued to be their cry when in combat. Currently, 90 members of Army TWS have served with this unit. Currahee Mountain, located in Stephens County, Toccoa, Georgia, gave the 506th Parachute Infantry...