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Veteran Finder App

Together We Served Launches Its Free Veteran Finder App

In order to take the next step in supporting the veteran community, popular veteran website Together We Served launches its free veteran finder app on the Apple Store and Google Play Store in time for Veterans’ Day. Founded in 2003 by CEO Brian Foster, since then Together We Served has endeavored to give US military veterans a space of their own to connect, discuss their military service, and form or rekindle friendships based on shared interests and values. With the development of this new platform, all 2.1 million veteran members of the service can be connected with: a number that continues to grow every year.

How to Find Your Old Military Buddies After You Get Out

Together We Served has built an entire app using the functionality of its popular ‘Veterans Roll of Honor’ tribute site. Effectively a search engine for over 2 million current and former members of the US Armed Forces, each page features publicly-shared information about TWS members from the Air Force, Army, Coast Guard, Marine Corps, and Navy. Each profile shares only the information each member who served is comfortable with divulging, but can include military service history, photos, and memories, insignias, badges, unit commendations, and similar details. Many members include listings of their boot camp, postings, tours, formal schools, and other information so that it is easier to find people you served with overseas, or went through basic training with. 

Finding an old military buddy couldn’t be simpler. Simply open the app and select the service branch your friend was in. Enter the person’s name in the search bar, then view the relevant profile. Once you have found the person you were looking for, you can make contact with them conveniently and securely using the ‘Message This Member’ link. The app will send a private email to the recipient. You can refine your search by military era, and category of person: Living, Deceased, Fallen, and MIA/POW.

Veteran Finder and Memorial App by Together We Served

Together We Served’s new free app is not simply an effective veteran finder. It is an enduring memorial to veterans past and present: those who gave their lives in active duty, as well as those who retired from service and passed away later. Every fallen service member is honored with a special tribute entry.

There has never been a better time to sign up for the Together We Served service. To commemorate Veterans’ Day and celebrate the app’s launch, we are cordially inviting all US veterans to join so that they can find and reconnect with friends and colleagues from their years of service. Veterans who join the free app will also receive a free 1 Year Premium Membership to the Together We Served site, with access to exclusive community spaces and additional premium members only content. 

Download Together We Served today on Google Play or the App Store.


Tags: Air Force, Army Air Force, CEO Brian Foster, Coast Guard, Marine Corps, Message This Member, MIA/POW, Navy, US Armed Forces, US military veterans, Veterans Roll of Honor, Veterans’ Day

1 Comment

  1. Harry W Elder

    Great up date but still don’t know how to enter names to find friends


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