SSgt Kevin Hunt, U.S. Air Force (1987-2008)



The following Reflection represents SSgt Kevin Hunt’s legacy of their military service from 1987 to 2008. If you are a Veteran, consider preserving a record of your own military service, including your memories and photographs, on (TWS), the leading archive of living military history. The Service Reflections is an easy-to-complete self-interview, located on your TWS Military Service Page, which enables you to remember key people and events from your military service and the impact they made on your life.

In what ways has serving in the military influenced the way you have approached your subsequent life and career?:

Prior to my military service, my patriotism revolved around a flag and enjoying the American and military-specific holidays with my family. I didn’t have parents or grandparents who had served in the military to reflect upon.

Having served 20 years in the USAF and Desert Shield and Desert Storm, my patriotism and love of this country has no end. I now have 4 flagpoles, stick flags, a solar-powered-led flag, indoor pictures, and clothing representing America, the USAF, and Desert Shield and Desert Storm. It was an honor to serve my country and I’m proud to continue that honor as a veteran.

The friendship and camaraderie throughout my career and as a veteran are forevermore etched in my memories. No matter where we go in our lives, the connection never breaks. Whenever I see a hat, I know that it’s a brother or sister.

Memorial Day, Independence Day, Veterans Day, as well as military-related days (POW/MIA Remembrance Day, military branch birthdays, days when wars began and ended, Flag Day, PTSD Awareness Day, etc.), now have special meanings for me. I can look at each of these days and know why they’re listed on calendars. I’m able to give an explanation when one of my grandchildren asks me what a particular day means. It gives me a great feeling knowing I’m passing on a little bit of military history to them.

My children proudly display a flag outside their houses and have the utmost respect for those who have served and who are currently serving. My grandchildren love to wear patriotic clothing and enjoy the stories I tell. 

That’s why I encourage people who ask me about the military to seriously consider talking to a recruiter. I loved my career and I love being a veteran. That’s how the military influenced my life after my active duty career. 

Read the Military Memories of our Runner-Ups.

Boot Camp, Units, Combat Operations

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Tags: Desert Shield and Desert Storm, Military Memories of our Runner-Ups, PTSD Awareness Day


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