“Dusty” Trimmer served one year of combat infantry duty with the 25th Infantry Division. In this, his first book, he presents a staggering description that cut to the heart of the combat experience: the fear and belligerence, the quiet insights and raging madness, the lasting friendships and sudden deaths. Yet it is much, much more. It is an account of veterans long after leaving the battlefield as they struggle with physical and emotional damage in a world that seems indifferent to their plight.
The book differs from most Vietnam War tomes. It is a collection of interrelated short, seemingly disparate pieces. It jumps around a lot. It does not have a plot. There is no moral to the story. However, what it does more importantly is bear witness to the things men do in war and the things war does to men. Horrible things that scar many, if not all, for the rest of their lives. To dramatize this point, Trimmer personalizes much of it by writing about his experience, observations, concerns, and sentimental feelings.

There are stories of different battles and individuals of all ranks from all sides in the conflict and how they influenced the war then and now. Among them are writer and director Oliver Stone, General William Westmoreland, General of the Vietnam People’s Army, Vo Nguyen Giap and Jan C. Scruggs, founder of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Fund to name a few. There is also a ‘Nam Talk’ glossary and factual historical information that can serve as a reference source.
Vietnam is as relevant today as it was in the 1960s 70s and 80s; so this book should be important to every American who cares about this country and its future.

Profits after expenses are generously shared with disabled and homeless veterans as well as highly rated military charities such as the Army Emergency Relief, Navy-Marine Corp Relief Society and Wounded Warrior Association.
Readers’ Responses on Condemned Property
Condemned Property is an extremely personal and comprehensive outline of multiple aspects of the Vietnam War. Written primarily by “Dusty” Trimmer for the benefit of his fellow veterans, he channels the essence of those multiple aspect through his own experience in the jungle of Vietnam to dealing with his own PTSD and physical ailments and a government which did not readily accept its role of caring for and compensating those affected veterans.
-William E Cornell Junior, Author

I have read the book twice. It will move you, teach you, motivates you and it may change you because you read it.
-Gary Ockunzzi, Korean DMZ Veteran, U.S. Navy
Condemned Property was an eye opening and emotional read for my entire family. Never having been exposed to the raw truth of the Vietnam War, it was heart wrenching to learn of the ultimate sacrifice made by Vietnam combat vets to protect our freedom, the horror and trauma they endured, their strong bond of brotherhood, sheer determination to survive and lack of respect by our citizens upon their return.
-Cheryl Strenk, Wife and Mother
About the Author

“Dusty” Trimmer was a member of the First Platoon, Bravo Company, 3rd Battalion 22nd Infantry Regiment, 25th Infantry Division during the bloodiest years of the Vietnam War (1967-68). Over 16,000 Americans came home in coffins that year. He himself was wounded. He returned home to Ohio following the war and worked a multitude of jobs but was unable to find work that satisfied him. Eventually he did by forming his own company to represent high-level multibillion-dollar trade publishing companies in the scientific research market. He is married to Ginny Brancato and is the proud stepfather to four and step-grandfather to seven grandchildren. He and his wife live in Twinsburg, Ohio.
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I served at the 25th AG Company, 25th Infantry Division from ’79 to ’80. However I didn’t see combat or war…thank you for your service and tribulations